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{I just wanna say thank you guys for enjoying this story. I honestly NEVER knew this was possible. Hope you guys keep liking it cause imma keep trying.}

Junior POV 3 months later

Today was a really special day. Not just for me but for a close friend too. Well at least I call him a friend. He watches over me so ya he is a friend.

Speaking of him, he has been out of the hospital for a few weeks now. I have not seen him cause I wanted him to have time at home and with his family. We both just took time to have with our families.

I have not been able to see any news about the pizza place because my father said for me to stop looking it up. He even said that he didn't want me to go over there anymore. Even when it opens back up. Last I checked it finally got a new boss and it's going to open around June of this year.

I guess I should try to understand it. I mean we almost did die there. But it was the boss and now he's dead. The enemy is defeated so now we don't have to be afraid anymore. Maybe I should just sleep on it.

I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and changed into some comfy clothes for sleep. As I went into my bed my cat came into my room and went to his corner of the bed. I got comfy in bed then turned off my lights.

I woke up with my cat in my face and meowing for me to get up. I opened my eyes with the sun light in my face. I turned over and checked my phone to see the time.

10:32 am

Jesus it was early for me to get up. I don't have any plans today so why get up? That's when my dad walked in, he looked ready for work. My mom was probably already gone.

"Oh good you're up. I'm heading to work but I'll be over for my lunch break to check on you."

I nodded so he knows that I was listening and that I understood. He said this everyday. He should know that I'm fine now. I know what to do and where to go. I hate it that he worries so much about me when he shouldn't be.

"Okay then Junior. Love you."

He was already down the hall before I could reply. Once I heard the door shut I started getting up and eat breakfast.

Freddy POV

Today was going to be a mystery. People were coming in and changing how the place looked. There were new tables and chairs along with a few new things. I had no idea what was going on and either did anyone else. The day was just full of new things replacing old things.

Once all the humans were gone that's when I got off my stage and walked around. The new chairs looked beautiful and so did the tables. They looked as if they were metal too but when I touched it the bottom was like a cushion. They were also colored too. It matched the room.

Bonbon got off my arm and hopped on one of the chairs. She also seemed excited about the new things as we have never seen things like these before.

"It's different and new Freddy. You think they might be having this place reopening soon?"

"I don't k-know Bonbon. I h-hope so."

Those people were the most action that's happened around here in a long time. Ya it was fun to walk around and look at the restaurant for a while but it got boring.

Bonbon got back on my arm as I wanted to check on the others. We've been more social since the incident. Foxy was less shy and Ballora came out with her doll kids every now and then.

I went to the common area where we all usually hang out and saw Ballora there with one of her doll kids. They seemed to be drawing something as Ballora watched.

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