Party Time

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Freddy POV


If I fail one more time I get SCRAPED!

My body shook in fear as my mind raced with thoughts. I was gonna get scooped!

And for good!

I'll be used for parts. For replacements or for the others.

I could hear Bonbon trying to calm me down but my ears fell deaf to her words.


I shook my head as my face plates moved back into their original form. I looked at Bonbon who looked like she was gonna panic. She was shaking so badly that my arm started shaking too.

"Please Freddy stop.."

Her voice was shaky as she trembled on my arm. My face softened as I placed my mic in my tank then took Bonbon off my nub to hold her.

I held her like a newborn in my arms as her shaking got slower as she calmed down.

"I-I'm s-sorry-y BO-nBON."

My voice glitched in pitch and stuttered as I tried to calm down my friend.
When her body was not shaking anymore I pulled her into a hug. Still holding her like a newborn as her paws held onto me.

"Thank you Freddy"

She sighed in relief and she let go of the hug. I still held her close, like a father with their child. I tried to calm myself down in the process.

I have to do it. Do I?
Yes I must, I don't wanna die.
But the child?

I tried to think positive but I can't. I might die if I don't hurt a kid today.

I have to hurt someone on my first day back.
It's do or die today.

I put Bon back on my arm and right when I did that the clock hit 9:00 and the boss walked to the door to open the place for the day.

I saw some of the staff walk around to get to their places for today. I decided to put everything in the back of my mind. Right now it's PARTY TIME.

It took a couple of minutes for the place to fill up. Kids and their parents would go from room to room to see everyone. Kids would sing with Baby, dance with Ballora, and play with Foxy. Everyone had their own thing.

Mine was jokes.

I tell knock knock jokes and even a few dad jokes. Seeing the kids laugh and smile again made my endoskeleton warm with happiness. I soon forgot about the boss and my "mission" and just kept having fun.

Even when it was pizza time a few kids would still be coming up to us and hang out. I usually closed my eyes when pizza time came. To rest and think of more jokes and ideas.

"Is this the guy you do?"

A young voice started talking. Apparently to someone else and not me. I opened my eyes to see a young boy, about 12 years old starring and pointing at me with a small grin on his face.

"Junior you can't just leave the table. This place is big."

Another voice, this time older. I looked in the direction to see a man looking to be around his mid 20s walk up to the young boy who's name is Junior.

"Sorry, I was just excited to see him again."

"I know you are and I am too just don't run around here."

Once the young boy nodded his head both boys looked up at me. I realized that I've just been starring at them. Gotta do something.

"HellO liTTle-tle BOY"

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