Dodging death

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Still Kellen POV

Okay so Ballora is moving around and the boss and I are hiding. I don't know where he is and I also don't know if Ballora is good or not. All I do know is that I'm trapped with a guy who wants me dead.

I started freaking out and I could swear that I heard the music getting closer. That just freaked me out even more as I started to panic. I put my hands over my ears to get the music out of my head and I closed my eyes tightly and tried my best to keep my mouth shut. I don't want the boss to know where I am, or Ballora.


I opened one eye to see the small doll poking my leg and pointing to the exit. I shook my head because I'm not crazy. If I go out there the boss and Ballora will find me and probably kill me. Sure Ballora might be good but I'm not risking it.

The doll then pointed to the other side of the table and then put its hands over its eyes. Then it pointed to where it's ears would be. It's obviously trying to tell me something. I tilted my head in confusion because I did not really get it.

The doll understood then it started spinning around like a ballerina. "Ballora."

I whispered so quietly that I could barely hear myself. The doll seemed to have heard it loud and clear because it nodded then made the same motion as before. Covering its eyes then pointing to the ear area.

I thought about it for a few seconds as I can hear the soft music roaming around the room. Then it clicked. Ballora can't see but she can hear. I gave a thumbs up to the doll to show it that I understood and it nodded.

Okay so I can use this. I just have to sneak out of here and avoid Ballora. But what about the boss. Obviously he would know about this too and is probably already on the move. I need to keep an eye on him and also Ballora. I can't do that all on my own. I need help.

The doll. It can helps me.

I poked the doll to get its attention. As it turned towards me I hear the music grow louder. I covered my ears but I kept my eyes on the doll as it pointed right above me. Ballora is right next to me, spinning around listening for any sound. Then it got softer.

"The closer Ballora is to me the louder her music is."
The doll nodded as I whispered. Okay I can do this. I just have to listen. Listen for Ballora and look for the boss. The boss will be trying to be quiet as well so it will be hard to find him.
"Can you help me find the boss? If I run into him it's game over for me."

The doll nodded then walked away from the table I was hiding behind. I peeked out of the side to keep an eye on it but also to see if the boss would show himself. I wonder why this doll is helping me. Is it because the boss killed its siblings? No, it helped me before then. The robots are a mystery.

I sat there quietly waiting for the doll to come back. I can't keep peeking out or the boss might see where I am. The music went around the room as Ballora continued to travel from side to side. Is she gonna give up? The more time I waste here the less time I have to finding Junior and Freddy.

I suddenly get a poke to my side and I look down to see the doll. It then pointed to a table on the other side of the room. That's probably where he is. I just have to keep an eye on that door and be quiet exiting the room.

I let out my hand for the doll to climb on me. It's been helpful so far so why leave it behind? Plus I'm kinda starting to get attached to it.

As I looked around to see where Ballora is I see that she is around the table where the boss is. Good. That'll hopefully distract him so that I can leave. I need to find Freddy and make sure he kept his promise. That he kept Junior alive.

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