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[ Thank you guys again for the reads and for getting this on the number 1 spot for Kellen. I'd never thought that would happen.]

Freddy POV

Oh no! The boss is standing in front of the door. The only exit to this room. From the look of him I'm surprised he's not dead. He does look to be in bad shape I'm sure the boy can handle him.

Although looking back at him, he does not seem to be much of a fighter. He looked more frightened then anything. I should make an opening for him so he can get to Junior and escape. I just have to wait for that moment to show itself.

The boss walked in the room, a spark happening here and there temporarily lighting the room. His body was showing all the signs of a crazy person. The smile mixed with the way his body moved made my endoskeleton feel cold.

The boy backed away deeper into the room and walked on my stage in an attempt to get away from the boss. The small doll was hanging on his shoulder, it seemed to be hiding behind the boys body.

I was standing on the opposite side of the screen on the tablet. I kept myself close to the boy to protect him from when the boss got too close. I put my body in between the boss and the boy. I was not fast because 1. I was a heavy robot and 2. I just got use to using legs. So if the boss makes a run at him then I'll have to rely on my mass to protect him.

Freddy what are we going to do? The boss won't give up until these guys or himself are killed.

I know Bonbon. I don't really know what to do. I'm just using my body as a sheild. Maybe Kellen has an idea?

"Get out of the way Freddy. You know what happens when you misbehave."

The shocks!

My metal body went from solid to liquid at the mention of the shocks. The fear and pain came running back into my memories. I don't want to feel those again.

Don't listen to him Freddy remember the power is off. He can't shock us with no power.

Bonbon was right. I had forgotten about the power being off. I think it's because this room was always dark no matter the time of day. Small and dark.

I let out a low chuckle and faced the boss.

"Hehehe yo-u know what b-boss. You're wro-ong."

"Am I?"


Of course he's wrong. We cut the power in the whole building. No power means no shocks.

Bonbon and I looked at each other then the boss. We were taking up all the bosses attention that he did not seem to notice Kellen on my stage, hiding behind some wires.

The room was not big enough for him to make an escape so hiding was his best bet. My stage was the deepest part of the room and it had wires all around it. It looked like a plate of spaghetti. No one can see him

The boss limped to the panel where the tablet is for rebooting the power. He pressed a few buttons but nothing happened. When I mean we destroyed the power I mean it. The boss went silent for a few seconds as he looked around the room. His eyes went to my stage then a smirk rose from his crazy grave. He then went on the tablet again and pressed a few buttons again then looked at me.

"I'm thankful that this stage is set on another power supply. I know you can take a few shocks but what about your friend there in the corner?"

He wouldn't!

He pressed a button and my stage lit up in electrical shocks followed by the screams of the boy hiding there. They were loud and bloodcurdling. It was painful to see and hear.

It made my circuits boil when I heard laughter coming from the man causing him such pain. For a robot that shocks were like getting punched but for a human it's like getting fired to death. The more the boss pressed the button the more the boy screamed. He'll die if he keep taking those.

Freddy! Launch me? Now!

Without a second thought my arm went back then launched forward making Bonbon fly off my arm and into the boss's body. Making him drop the tablet so the boy was not getting shocked anymore. As Bonbon was attacking the boss I went to Kellen to see if he was alive.

When I got there I see him laying there motionless. He seemed almost burnt. His clothes turned brown and black and his skin was a fresh blood red. His hair was messy and also seemed to have turned black. The small doll was beside him also motionless.

The rage inside me was at its boiling point as I turned back to see the boss struggling to get Bonbon off him. The rage was controlling me now and I was not fighting it. I watched as my body walked towards the boss and grabbed him by the neck lifting him off the ground and stared at him in the eyes.

"G-get ready for a sur-prise!"

I slammed him against the wall of the room. Then again, and again, and again, and again. My grip tightened every second I felt that man breathe. I didn't want to see an inch of him move. I don't want him to move at all. I want him to end up like all his victims.

I think only one chapter left of this.
It has been fun making these and maybe I'll do a few after stories.
Until then I hope you enjoy and see you guys next time.

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