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Freddy POV

Once I was back in control of my body I see the Boss laughing hysterically. He puts the weird control thing in his back pocket and starts the clap his hands while walking towards me. I wanted nothing more than to cut off his hands but I couldn't.

"Good job bear. Maybe I won't scoop you after all."

No I'd rather get scooped than kill Junior. As I tried to open my plates I realized something.

They won't budget!

"Haha you really thought I would not take some precautions during this? I know you would release him but guess what! You can't now! HA HAA you're plates got locked the moment I pressed the button. That young boy is as good as dead.

He started laughing again as my body shook in a combination of fear and anger.

"Who's as good as dead?"

The Boss and I turned to see the brother Kellen entering the room. My eyes widened as my mind went crazy with what could happen here. I wanted to yell at him. To tell him to run. But I was frozen in place.

"Nothing kid, you should get going back home. The place closes any minute now."

"Where's Junior?"

The room got heavy as I waited for the Boss to respond. He started to smile and I saw his eyes change. This is not good.

Freddy we have to do something.
Like what Bonbon? We can't do anything right now. I can't release the kid and I don't wanna get Kellen into danger.

"I don't know kid, it's a big place so maybe he went by another animatronic."

Kellen just stood there. I can see it in his face that he was not buying it. He looked around the room then at me. His eyes narrowed.

"Freddy. Where's Junior?"

My eyes widened as I looked at him. I wanna tell him. I should tell him, but how?

I know!

I looked at my chest then the boy then at my chest again. Hoping he got the message.

Did the Boss get it?

I looked at the Boss and he seemed too amused to care. For once that's a good thing because it seemed the brother got it loud and clear.

"He's in Freddy!"

"What no! The bears chest is closed."

"Then why did Freddy tell me that he's in there?"

That's when the Boss looked at me. I could see the anger in him rising.

"And you knew. You knew everything that was going on. You knew why Freddy was acting like this. You knew these robots were dangerous! Yet you let kids near them!"

As he said that he was walking towards the Boss. His fists turning white from his anger.

The Boss did not look worried as he just talked casually.

"I have no idea what you are talking about k-"

He could not finish his sentence as Kellen punched him in the face, that brought the Boss to the ground.

Is he aloud to do that Freddy?
No Bonbon but he just did.

Kellen put a foot of the Boss as he kneeled down to look at him.

"Tell me how to open up the chest plate."

The Boss just chuckled as he reached for his back pocket. Kellen could not see it but Bonbon did.

"Kellen he has a knife!"

Kellen looked up at Bonbon right when the Boss sliced his right cheek with the blade. He stubbled off the Boss reaching for the cut on his cheek.

"Kid I warned you! Question me again and you can kiss that voice bye-bye!"

"Kellen RUN!"

Bonbon and I both yelled at him to get away. The Boss would not hesitate to kill him.

"No, not without Junior!"

"I- I'll protect Jun-ior! You-u protect yourself!"

Next thing I know Kellen is running for his life. He ran out my room right as the Boss got to his feet.

"I'll take care of you after him."

He grabbed his knife and began to walk out the room looking for his next victim.

Freddy we can't leave him to die!
I know Bonbon but I can't move and I can't release Junior.
Launch me.
No Bonbon I'm not having you crawl to them.
No launch me there.

I looked over to see the remote thing the Boss had. It was on the floor, most likely from when the Boss got punched by Kellen.

Okay Bonbon, ready?

My arm went back then I swing it forward launching Bonbon to the remote. She landed a foot away from it.

Got it!
Good now try to turn off the lock on my tank.

Bonbon pressed all the buttons but none of them worked. Was there a different remote? Was this just a duplicate of the real one? Oh no what if we don't make it and Junior and Kellen die and this monster of a boss still lives a free man?


I got taken away from my thought as I see Bonbon smashing the remote on the ground.

"Bon-BOn wHAt aRe yo-U-?"

She broke it.

I suddenly felt my tank unlock as my plates opened wide. Letting out a tear stained Junior as he dropped to the ground.

"Brother, *sniffle* he's gonna die."

"No he's not."
He looked over to see Bonbon hopping towards him.

"You guys are alive?"
Junior wiped his tears as he looked at both of us.

"Ya I guess you can say that. But we need your help Junior. We need you to cut the energy box by Freddy's stage. It will free him and we can go help your brother."
Junior looked at Bonbon then Freddy then to the energy thing on the far left of Freddy's stage.

"Okay, I'll help you guys."
He got up from the floor and started to walk towards the power supply to the stage.
Okay guys here it is!
I don't really like this chapter, I feel like I could do better.
Sorry that it's been awhile, I've been busy with school and family issues and a few other things.
See ya next chapter!

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