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Junior POV

I was sitting in the supply closet like what they told me to do. To keep me safe and hidden while they get Kellen. It's been a few minutes and every second that went by gave me anxiety. Every sound I heard made me jump.

I just have to calm down. Freddy and Bonbon and going to get Kellen and we go home safe and sound. What about the boss and the animatronics? The man is basically torturing them here 24/7. They don't deserve that and he should be locked up. If Freddy does not kill him first. He seemed angry when I mentioned the boss to him. It's understandable.

I was lost in thought when I suddenly heard screaming. It was not a normal scream. More like a bloodcurdling scream. A scream of pain and suffering. It sounded like Kellen! What was happening? Who's hurting him? He can't die! I have to help.

I got up from my seat in the closet and peeked out the door to see if the cost was clear. I did not see anything, the building was so dark I could not see a foot in front of me. I'll just have to deal with it and be careful. I know Freddy is good but I don't really know about the others. Plus the boss might still be around. All those aside I still want to help. I can't have the man who helped me today die.

I followed the sounds of his screaming. They led me to a hallway with a door at the end. That's when the screaming ended. It was quiet, so quiet that I could hear my breathing and my heartbeat. I walked closer to the door. I could hear the sparks from the wires from the other side of the door. I heard metal moving.


I jumped away from the door as I hear a bang from the other side. Then again and again. It was light something was banging something into something. Or someone into something. I opened the door enough to peek my head though. It was as dark as the rest of the place but with a few shocks here and there.

Another bang happened and I turned my head to see what it was. It was Freddy holding the boss by the neck and slamming him against the wall. The boss's body was limp and Freddy continued his attack. His eyes were no longer blue but a bright red. Like the evil robots in those robot movies Kellen showed me. Where's Kellen?

I looked around the room when a spark happened around the back of the room. I saw something on the ground. Before I could think my body was already walking towards it. I was careful of the wires on the ground and made my way to the object on the ground. It was not an object. It was a person. The person who brought me here.

His body was burned along with his clothes. One of Balloras dolls was next to him. Both of them where motionless. The world seemed to have slowed down or stopped moving all together. The sounds of Freddy and the boss were mute. The sparks were moving in slow motion. A bunch of emotions were happening all at once. Sadness, fear, guilt, and anger.

I was so deep in my head that I jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Freddy and Bonbon, their eyes were back to normal and Freddy seemed to be panting even though he's a robot.

"Is he dead?"

Their eyes widened and their ears fell. They looked at each other then at me then at Kellen. Bonbon then popped off Freddy and went to Kellen. Her eyes scanned his body.

"He's hurt really badly but he's breathing. I'm shocked. Usually that amount of shocks will kill someone instantly."

"SHOCKS!? Like what you guys get?! You did that to him?"

"The boss. Kellen was hiding on the stage and the boss gave him multiple controlled shocks. Freddy and I took care of the boss."

"But how? We cut the power."

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