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A few months later
Freddy POV

The place was under investigation after the accident. The boss was pronounced dead, he's cause of death was a broken neck and the injured people were brought to a near by hospital. After a few weeks they said that they needed a new boss for the place because of how popular we are. I was happy that we are not getting shut down but I was still worried about Junior and Kellen. Junior was not that injured but the other guy I thought would be dead.

I have not seen them since the accident. It's understandable, they need time to rest and heal. On the plus side because they are trying to find a new boss I haven't been shocked once in weeks. My body still felt horrible but it was not getting worse. They also did some testing on the controlled shocks and apparently those are dangerous for both human and robot. It can cause malfunctions which explains a lot.

On this day the building was quiet. No one was let in because of the lack of management. I was fine with it though. I could get use to my legs and walk around. I could watch the sun rise and set. I could do whatever I wanted. It was the closest I've ever been to freedom.

The others kinda stayed in their own rooms but you can feel the lightness in the air. Ever since the boss was gone there has been a light in the building that I've never seen before. I just hope this light stays forever. Once there's a new boss and new kids hopefully I will see those two again.

Junior POV

It's been a while. My injuries were not bad but Kellens were life threatening. According to the doctor he has 2nd degree burns all over his body. He was almost cooked. But luckily the doctor said that he passed out around the second shock and that's how he was still alive. Also his clothes took most of the damage so lucky for him that it was cold out and he was wearing his hoodie. He loves that hoodie though. But hoodies are replaceable, people are not.

That was a few weeks ago. I've been staying at the hospital to keep an eye on Kellen. I would arrive as early as I could and stay as late as I could. While I waited for him to wake up I looked up the pizza place with Freddy and Bonbon in it. All I see is that the boss is dead and they are looking for a new boss. Until then it'll be closed.

At least it's not shut down. But how long would it take until there's a new boss? Who would wanna work in a place like that with that kind of history? I'm hoping someone will. It's not all bad and the robots seem to be nice and wanna protect people. I just want to see them again.

A week later and no news on the pizza place. Kellen has not woken up yet and I'm starting to lose hope. My body was getting weak from not have much sleep. I could barely keep my eyes open. I have not been getting proper sleep for the past couple of weeks. Maybe I should take a rest to calm myself physically and mentally.

I got comfortable on the chair and used my jacket as a blanket as I closed my eyes and tried to take a nap. The room was quiet with the only noises being the monitor by Kellen and the sound of footsteps by the door of people walking pass. Before I knew it my eyes were closed as I felt myself drift off to sleep.

"Doctor! Nurse! Come quick! He's awake!"

I woke up suddenly when I heard shouting coming from just feet away from me. As my eyes adjusted and my mind and body were awake I looked to see a nurse. She was right by Kellens bedside as another nurse and the doctor came running in. They went by the bed and all their eyes lit up. It took me a second to look at the bed and to see Kellen awake.

His eyes were open but only a little. I could see him looking around as he tried to turn his head. As he turned his head he groaned in pain from the burns still healing. I was almost in tears. I could not hear the doctor and nurses but I did not really care. All I know and care about is that he's alive and awake.

Kellen POV

Everything hurts. Every time I tried to move a burning feeling would come over me. Where am I? I can hear a heart monitor. I could feel me on a bed.

I opened by eyes painfully to look around to see where I am. It was a hospital. My eye sight was blurry but I could make out the end of the bed and a door in front of me. The room was white and a bright light was right above me. To my left I could see someone on a chair. They looked to be asleep. Hopefully Junior.

I heard the door open as a person walked in. I could not see their face but they were probably a nurse or doctor. I heard a female voice call out for a nurse and doctor. Then two more people came in. My eyes were getting use to the light but not by much. I hear the nurses and doctor trying to ask me questions but my throat hurts. I couldn't get a word out cause it burned so badly.

I saw the person on the chair move and get up. It was Junior and he seemed to be crying. One of the nurses took him outside the room as the doctor and other nurse tried to help me.

Junior POV
I was taken outside of the room and was told to sit down. I wanted to be in there. He was awake and I have to tell him everything. Maybe is not the best time because he just woke up. He needs to rest before I give him all this info.

I sat in the chair for what felt like hours then the doctor and both nurses came out and one of the nurses told me I can go in.

As I walked in I saw Kellen sitting up. He was no longer on any machines and he just looked more tired than anything. The burns on his body were now but a light red color.

As I closed the door Kellen looked at me. He was probably deep in thought before I walked in. I walked to the chair next to the bed and took a seat.

"Can you talk?"

He nodded then used his hand and made a little space between the fingers to tell me 'ya but only a little'.

I decided to get a piece of paper and a pencil. If he had any questions I'll try my best to answer them.

I wrote 'Do you have any questions?'

I then gave him the paper and pencil. I read the message then I see him write something down then he handed it back to me.

'How long was I out?'

'A couple of months. You were in pretty bad shape.'

'What happened? I don't remember much.'

'I'm guessing you got some of those controlled shocks. The doctor said that you were just 10 minutes away from death. You are lucky to be alive.'

'I remember now. What about the Boss?'

'Freddy broke his neck. The doctors ruled it as an accidental death.'

'What about the animatronics? Are they okay?'

'They are fine. They are waiting for a new boss but until then they can't go anywhere.'

Kellen seemed satisfied as he did not write anymore questions down. I'm guessing he was trying to process all of the info. Maybe we can go back once there is a new boss, a better one.

For now we just want to heal. Heal all the physical and mental wounds that happened that night. Heal all the hearts that grew weaker but also stronger. Heal everyone and everything.
I know the story says it's complete but I was not happy with the ending so I'll be adding a couple of new chapters to make it better.
Hope that's okay.
See ya next time!

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