On the Hunt

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Junior POV

"Where are we?"
When we left Freddy's room we did not talk so that we don't draw attention. Because of this I had no idea where we were going or where we are.

I was still in the tank inside Freddy but I can see though the opening that he was at a door. With a shove the door opened. When it made a noise I froze. Was that enough to tell the man where we are?

"I doubt he'll hear that Junior. We are on the other side of the building."

Bonbon reassured me. But wait! How did they know where the man is?

"How do you"

"We have sensors to tell us where everyone is in the building. Your brother as escaped the boss for now. As for why we are here. It's to give us an advantage."

"What do you mean advantage?"

The chest plates opened as I popped out and went to the ground on my knees. When I looked up I see wires and some sparks every now and then. I got up and looked at Freddy and Bonbon.

"What is this place? It looks dangerous with the sparks and wires."

Freddy's ears went down and he looked at the ground. Bonbon did the same.

"This w-as my room-om."
"Remember the controlled shocks your brother talked about? This is where they happened for Freddy."

"All becau-se I didn't hu-rt a ki-id."

"What! You got hurt because you would not kill someone!"

"Pretty much. All of us were made to kill. We all have some designs that our boss uses on kids or uses to get kids away from their families."

All four of my favorite animatronics. The ones I could not wait to see once this place reopened. Where made to kill kids like me.

"It was horrible. Freddy refused to kill anyone. That led to more and more shocks to the point where he could not perform. It drove him nuts but he's not the only one. All the others refused to kill as well. They just had a better way of hiding it."

"What do you mean?"

"When the boss brought a kid to one of the others they would try their best to keep the kid alive. Or tell them to play dead so that it looked like the job was done. But"

Bonbon stopped as she popped off Freddy's arm onto a table by a control panel. She hopped to the panel then sat right next to it as she continued.

"It would not work all the time."

Both Freddy and Bonbon looked saddened by the story. Who could blame them? I felt bad for them too. These poor robots. I'll try to help them once this night is done.

"Back to business. You asked why we are here? Well this is the breaker room. And this panel thing holds the power to the whole building. Each room has their own but they all connect here."

"So if we mess up this panel"

"The who-le buil-ding loses pow-er."

The man won't be able to see in the dark and I'm sure I did not see a flashlight on him. This could work! I'm sure these robots have night vision and they said they can see anyone in the building. This will work! We are going to survive!

"We just need to pull a few wires. So you said you wanted to help? Help Freddy's destroy some wires. But watch out for the sparks."

I nodded as Freddy and I started to pull on some wires. They are pretty huge so Freddy had to help me with most of them.

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