Hide & Seek

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Still Junior POV

"Then I'm coming with you guys."

Freddy and Bonbon stood there for a few seconds. Communicating back and forth to each other.

"You'll get hurt. You're the one he wants to kill. You need to stay out of his sight."

"I don't care. I wanna save my brother. It's my fault he's in danger right now. I wanna help."


"No buts Freddy. I'm helping whether you like it or not."

They looked at each other again and Bonbon nodded as Freddy sighed. He then opened his tank.

"F-ine. You can hel-lp but you ne-ed to stay-y hidden."

"We know you don't like the tank but it's the only way to bring you with us and to protect you."

It's true. Even though I know he won't harm me on purpose I'm still a bit scared.

"Freddy will keep it loose so you can open it at will."
Freddy nodded in agreement.

It's okay Junior. They want to help you. They want to help your brother.

I keep thinking those as I get closer to Freddy's tank and eventually get inside.

The doors of the tank slowly start to close but they don't close completely. They leave just a small enough opening that I can stick my fingers out.

"Are yo-u okay?"

"I'm fine Freddy now let's go. We wasted a lot of time."

Freddy started walking out his room. He walked carefully. I bounced a little after ever step he took. I'll admit it was a little unsettling but I had to deal with it if I wanted to help.

Please be alive brother.

Meanwhile Kellen POV

What was that sound? It sounded like metal getting crushed. Please don't have it be what I think it is. Please don't be dead Junior.

"Sounds like we are missing out on the fun kid."

This sick bastard. Toying with the lives of young kids. Disgusting. How could I have worked with someone who found the death of children amusing?

Stop thinking that and get back to the business at hand. I'm still staring at the switches and wires not knowing what to do. So I guess I'll do what everyone else would probably do.

Go crazy and flip all the switches and rip out all the wires. Please have luck be on my side for this moment.

As I did this the lights in the room flashed on and off and music played then turned off at random times. Shit.

"Found you kid."

I flipped over to see the boss walking toward me with the knife in his right hand. His grin was painfully huge. He looked like a crazy person.

I crawled backwards away from the man quickly only for a wall to stop me. My breathe and heartbeat were racing so quickly I thought I was gonna faint.

"Sorry kid. I did like you but I can't have there be any witnesses."

He was now right in front of me as he raised his knife. I closed my eyes waiting for the knife to strike.

But nothing?

After a few moments I opened my eyes to see a shocking sight.

Funtime Foxy has their mouth on the mans arm. Biting down tightly. The man did not even scream. His smile was still on. His face just said "I want you dead".


Foxys mouth did not move. Their eyes looked from me to the man. They then started to move their body back. Enough room for me to move and run out. I took it.

The boss tried to grab me with his free hand but when he went for the grab Foxy bit even harder on the mans arm. At this this point the arm is bleeding. The blood stained the boss's white shirt sleeve and Foxys teeth.


I was half way out of the room when I see the man start trying to fight Foxy. He started punching the mouth trying to free his arm but Foxy kept his hold on it. I could not stay and watch even though I think Foxy will win. I still wanted to get out of here. I have a kid to save and cops to call.

I ran for Freddy's room to get Junior but no one was there. The lights were off. I looked at the stage to see no Freddy or Junior.


Shit! Where did he go? How did he leave?

The power! That's it. Each animatronic must have their own power box. I broke Foxys but who broke Freddy's? Bonbon maybe?

Does not matter. I need to find Junior. If I find Freddy then I'll find Junior. But where do I go? I don't know much about the area. Foxys room is a HUGE no no. Freddy's room does not have them here.

Even with those two rooms out of the picture this place is huge. They could be anywhere. Okay okay don't freak out. Just do one room at a time. I mean think about it. He's a giant heavy animatronic. He could not have gone that far.

Did he?
Okay I fixed some spelling mistakes.
Also I'm giving Funtime Foxy they/them pronouns. I know he's canon to be male but why not give some love to the non-binary people in this world.

Also I just checked and apparently I'm (for the moment) #4 for Kellen?
Idk how but I'm grateful.
Next chapter coming soon!
Remember if you have any questions or anything. Go ahead and comment.

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