Found him

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Junior POV

After we left the room Freddy took me to the front door of the building. He then let me out of his tank and told me to stay here.

"But why? I told you that I wanted to help. Plus this is out in the open. What if he sees me here?"

"There's a supply closet next to the main doors. You will be safe and hidden in there while Freddy and I get your brother."

"I don't understand. You let me help with the wires. Why can't I help get him back?"

"Because then you'll be seen by the boss, it's too risky to bring you with us. You might get hurt."

I mean Bonbon was right. It will be dangerous to confront that monster. We both might get killed. But I don't want to be useless. I still want to help.

"You-r brother. I told hi-m I'll protect you-u."

I remember him saying that. He told him to run away, to save himself. Now he's probably getting cornered right now.

"Please Junior, your brother would want you to be safe and hidden. You think you can do that for him?"

I thought about it for a little bit. They were right about a few things. Like him wanting me to be safe and that I might bring more danger if I join along. In conclusion.

"I'll stay here."

"Thank you Junior, we won't be long. We know where they are. We'll be right back with your brother."

That's when Freddy turned to leave. After he took a few steps a question popped in my head.

"Wait! What if he somehow escapes you guys?"

That's when they both turned around. The way that they faced me brought a shiver up my spine. They looked cold and dark. Like empty metal.

"Trust us-s. He's no-t making it o-out here alive-e."

That's when they kept walking towards the area where the others are. I did not want to question then any further because of the feeling they just gave me. It was scary.

Kellen POV

I felt a small poke to my face. I was still pretty tired so I tried to ignore it. Until I felt more and more pokes. I opened my eyes to see what was poking me. It was the small doll that I found in Balloras room.

"Hi little guy. Did you sleep okay?"

The small doll nodded as it crawled off me. I sat back up and looked around the room. I wonder how long I was out? It was only supposed to be a little rest. What time is it?

As I got up I heard the doll make a noise that sounded like a giggle. As I looked down I see it pointing at my phone that was on the ground. The time said 4:32am. I was only resting for about 4 minutes I think.

"Well I guess it's time to go back and find Junior. Man his parents are going to kill me. I might never be able to see him again after this."

The doll tilted its head at me in confusion. It then got up and started walking towards me. When it got to me it seemed to look up at me. Then it started climbing on me again. It climbed all the way to my face. It looked at me with its empty face.

Even though the doll could not express any emotions. It felt like it was trying to show empathy. The more I stay with these robots the more I start to notice that these things are more then just some metal.

After a good few seconds of eye contact I see the small doll wrap it's arms around my neck. It was applying very little pressure. Just enough for it to be noticeable and comforting.

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