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Kellen POV

I ran as fast as I can around the building. I can't go towards the exit because what if I come back and Junior is already dead. I need to hide and distract my boss from Junior and see if I can get an advantage somewhere.

"Hey kid! Where are you?"

I was certainly in Foxys room which is to the left of Freddy's. I was behind Foxys stage catching my breathe looking out the door. Luckily his room was not as lit up as the rest of the restaurant. I'm thinking it's because Foxy is activated by light.

"Listen please come out. I just wanna talk."

Bullshit. He's gonna kill me and Junior then walk the streets a free man. I need to get back to Freddy's room and get Junior out of Freddy then run to the door. Why did I even leave the room? I left Junior with the animatronic the the Boss wants to use to kill him!

"Listen kid. That kid is going to die inside Freddy if we don't get him out. You don't want him to die do you?"

Freddy said he'll protect Junior. Is he telling the truth? How can I trust him? I mean he did tell me where Junior was and him and Bonbon warned me of the Boss with the knife.

All I know is that I trust them more than him. I just have to keep myself alive long enough.

"Listeeen Kellen my boy. I'm not gonna hurt you. As long as you come out and talk."

I put a hand over my mouth as I heard him get closer to me. He was probably on the other side of the stage. I looked around for anything on the floor but there was nothing. I then looked up the walls and even around the sides of the stage and I see an electrical box on the back of Foxys stage.

I could turn the lights on? That might activate Funtime Foxy, but then the Boss will know where I am. Also Foxy might not be on my side. If Freddy was made to kill then all of them were made to kill.

I could try to cause a short-circuit? He won't be able to see in the dark and I can get the Freddy's room.

I slowly crawled to the box, keeping an eye and ear out for any sounds of the Boss. Once I got the box I opened it slowly and quietly. I see a few switches and a couple of wires.

"Kellen! Get out here right now!"

I jumped at the Boss's voice, he was closer than I thought. Can I even escape if I were to run? I can only hope that I can cut off the power and get out of here.

Meanwhile- Junior POV

"Okay so what do I do?"

I have opened the box thing by Freddy's stage. Bonbon was right by my feet and Freddy was on his stage looking at us.

"You pull the second switch and cut the blue wire."

Bonbon was telling me what to do because Freddy's voice seemed to be getting worse as the night goes on.

I flipped the switch and found the blue wire. How can I cut it?

"Lift me up."

I looked down at Bonbon as she put her arms up. I kneeled down to pick her up but she was pretty heavy.

"You're too heavy Bonbon I can't lift you."

Bonbons ears went up as she looked at Freddy. They just stared at each other for a few seconds. I'm guessing they were communicating?

"Go to Freddy, he has a sheet of metal in his tank that you can use to cut the wire."

I did as told and went to Freddy. He seemed a bit on edge the closer I got to him. Maybe because of what happened a few minutes ago. Actually I'm positive that's why.

"It's okay Freddy. I'm starting to get the picture. I know you don't wanna hurt me or my brother."

His ears went up a bit as if he's surprised to hear this. They then went back down.

"I-I never-r wanted t-to hurt you."

"I know Freddy. I know you did not want to hurt us. I know you won't hurt us. He can't control you anymore. We are gonna get you out of here and save my brother. We just need to trust one another."

I held out my hand in front of him. I'm not gonna lie, I was still nervous about the tank that trapped me not so long ago.

But this is different. I now know what I'm dealing with. I know what's he's intentions are. I know what side he's on.

I know he won't hurt me.

"I trust you Freddy. So please trust me."

His eyes widened as his ears went up. He then looked at me then Bonbon then me again before nodding.

He opened his chest plates and then put his hand inside. Then he pulled out a long sheet of thin metal. It was stained in a few places and had a few dents. I took it from him and went back to the box.

"Thanks Freddy. For trusting me."

His hat went up then back down as our attention was back on the blue wire.

I used a corner of the metal like it was a saw, sawing the wire in half. As it got cut the lights in the room started to flicker then they went out completely.

Freddy's looked around the room then at us. He then looked at his feet. You can hear the sound of metal loosening around his feet as he tried to lift his left foot.

He's foot was freed with a loud pop as the metal gave away at his foot. He then did the same to the other foot. He stumbled back to get use to his balance. Then he took one step forward. Then another. Then another, until he was at the edge of his stage. He then slowly stepped down off his stage.

I just stared at him as he used his legs as if he was on the moon with zero gravity. Once he got somewhat use to using his legs he started walking (awkwardly) towards Bonbon and I.

He kneeled his arm with the nub down for Bonbon to get on. As Bonbon was getting reattached to Freddy's arm Freddy started walking towards the door to his room.

I was confused at the sudden action so I went up to Freddy.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Freddy then stopped and looked at Bonbon. Probably telling her something. Freddy then turned back to me and looked at Bonbon then nodded.

"Freddy says that it's time we go and save your brother and give that Boss a taste of his own medicine."

OMG I suck at updating stories.
I am so sorry guys for the long wait.
I hope you guys like this one.
And before anyone complains yes I'm calling Bonbon a she.
Also Happy Valentines Day ❤️
See y'all next chapter!

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