Christmas Eve

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It's now Christmas Eve and I want to help decorate the Great Hall. I practically ran to the Great Hall to see people already starting to decorate. "WAIT!" I yelled. Everyone looked at me. "Can I help decorate?"  "Of course, you can help with the trees." 

Fred POV:
I looked over at George and said, "Hey George," He looked at me. "I heard y/n say something a couple of weeks ago and I can't stop thinking about it.. about her..." George chuckled, "What she say?"  "She said she fancies me."    "I KNEW IT" Lee shouted. We both looked at Lee. "Sorry, go on." 

"Do you fancy her?" George asked me. "Well, yeah I think so." I said.  "Tell her."  He said. "No! She said we're too young and I think she's right."  "Whatever wait a few years then if she still likes you by then. Surprised she doesn't fancy me, I mean look at me." I scoffed and opened my mouth to say something but Lee said, "I'M GOING TO GO TELL HER!" Lee started sprinting out the door I chased him as fast as my legs could take me. "YOU BETTER NOT LEE!"

Y/n POV:
As I was putting some ornaments on the tree I heard  yelling so I turned around and saw Lee running towards me and Fred chasing after him. I gave them a confused look, "What's going on?"  Fred mumbled, "Please don't tell her."  "Y/n! I was actually looking for you. Fred said that he fancies....." he built up the suspense on Fred, "Helping you decorate the tree." Fred sighed out of relief and I was disappointed. I sighed and looked down at the floor, "Okay come on then.." I said quietly.

I walked back to the tree and Fred followed I pointed to a box and said, "Hang those up on the tree. I'm going to the washroom." He nodded. I walked out of the Great Hall but as soon as I was out of view from Fred I started running. My thoughts were taking over. How could I be so dumb? There's no way he could fancy me too. Why do I care so much? I should be just enjoying life, not worrying about a stupid boy. My thoughts were interrupted by me smacking into something. I fell down and looked up, "I'm sorry George! Are you okay?" I asked worriedly. "It's okay, I'm alright, are you?"  I thought for a second. "..Yeah... anyway bye!" I kept running to the bathroom. I just washed my face with cold water and sat on the floor for about 20 minutes.

Fred POV:
I watched y/n walk out of the Great Hall but it kind of sounded like her footsteps picked up after I couldn't see her. I think she started running. I turned around and put on the ornaments she told me to. Not long after George came in. "Oi, Fred!" George yelled.  "What?" I asked.  "What's wrong with y/n?"  "I don't know, why?"  "She crashed into me and she just seemed upset. Maybe you should talk to her."  I looked at him, "Yeah maybe."

Y/n POV:
I came back to the Great Hall and saw Fred was done with his box and finished mine too. Fred walked up to me and put his arm over my shoulders. "You alright?"  "Yeah I'm fine Freddie." My eyes went wide at what I said thinking he might not like the name. Fred had a big smile on his face and pulled me into his chest and played with my hair. I squeezed him tight I couldn't help it, he gives good hugs. He squeezed me too. We stayed that way for a long time. Until Lee interrupted us. Lee grabbed both of our shoulders and said, "Ah true love"  I let go and quickly walked over to the tree to see if there was any bare spots for the remaining ornaments. I went behind the tree and crouched trying to hide from Fred.

"Shut up Lee!" Fred huffed. "Just trying to help you mate." Lee said and winked at him. Fred left. George walked over to me and tapped my shoulder he scared me so I let out a little scream. George laughed. "Why are you hiding y/n?"  "Hiding? I'm not, I'm just.." My eyes wandered trying to think of something to say. "Checking this branch!" That was stupid. I thought. "Mhm so hiding," He said. "Fine, I was hiding. I don't want Fred to see me."  George said, "He's gone."  "Oh okay." I stood up and looked around to make sure he wasn't lying. Sure enough, George was telling the truth. I slowly walked around the tree and walked out. I was walking down the hall not caring where I was going just anywhere but near Fred.

I just remembered Christmas is tomorrow and I have to figure out what to get Fred. Even if he doesn't get me anything in return. I'll just get him some candies this year. I wonder if I'll get anything from anyone.

Hope you enjoy these 3 chapters, I'm hoping to have the Christmas chapter done for Christmas. Hopefully these chapters are okay!

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