Halloween 2

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Fred said, "I was thinking we could do something with fireworks or-" I cut him off, "We could get her in the Forbidden Forest" "How about both?" George and Lee said in unison.

It was about an hour till dinner and we all decided to start making a Halloween cake for Zara but in the middle was a firework that we would be setting off at dinner. Alicia was even in on it, she thinks this is a good idea to get Zara back for threatening me all the time however, she thinks putting her in the Forbidden Forest is a little too far. I disagree.

We were the first people to be here for dinner so we put the cake where Zara sits with a note. We went back to our table to sit down and started talking. Zara looked at me then went to sit down. She saw the cake, then the note. She whispered to herself as she read it, "Just for you, from your secret admirer." She looked around the room with a smile on her face trying to figure out who it was from. Her goons came and they asked her if they could have some but she said no.

"Guys," I started, "Look." I pointed at Zara. She was about to eat it when the firework went off right in her face, leaving a red mark across her whole face. The whole room went silent except for us laughing our heads off at her, we soon heard laughter from other tables as well. Dumbledore walked over to us rather quickly. "You did that!?" He asked. But it didn't really seem like a question. He continued, "All of you, detention for a week!" Zara stormed over here. "YOU STUPID MUDBLO-" She didn't see Dumbledore standing there being too angry with only me for some reason. "I think that deserves a detention, Miss Lestr-" Dumbledore cut himself off, "Zara." She went back to her table and told her goons something while they kept looking over at me but I couldn't hear. Dinner was now over and everyone started to leave.

"So y/n, how are we gonna get her into the forest?" George asked. "I'm not really too sure.. we could just drag her.." I suggested. "Actually yeah that's what we'll do, Alicia? Do you mind helping me?" She hesitantly stood up, "Yes I'll help.." We rushed over to Zara and each grabbed an arm and started pulling her. One of her goons was about to grab Alicia when Lee pulled her away. Me and Alicia both sighed in relief. She kept struggling so I was getting frustrated. "Let's hurry Alicia. She's getting on my nerves." "Me too, let's go."

As we exited to castle I realized we forgot something, a blindfold. I ripped off Zara's tie and tied it around her eyes. "HELP!" Zara screamed. I just covered her mouth with my hand. We rushed to the forest and as soon as we got to the edge of it I gulped. "You sure you wanna do this y/n?" Alicia asked. I nodded and we pulled her in. We kept walking till we felt it was far enough in and decided to push her then run away to exit the forest.. but we soon realized we actually don't know how to get out and we were now lost.. "Y/n look what you've done! We're lost because of YOU!" Alicia said angrily. I just looked down.

Me and Alicia left Zara all alone somewhere in the forest as we tried to find Hogwarts.

Eventually we made it out of the forest at 11pm but we didn't see Zara anywhere. Oh well. I thought. We headed back to the common room and apparently Fred, George and Lee waited up for us, as we walked in Fred looked up and shot up from where he was sitting on the couch. "Oh my gosh, y/n you're okay! You're okay.." He wrapped one arm around my waist and he brought the other up to my head and gently pulled me as close as he could. I wrapped my arms around him which caused him to tighten his grip. Lee grabbed Alicia and hugged her. I turned to George and invited him in the hug he came over and I wrapped my arms around him tightly so he wouldn't feel left out. When Fred saw it happen he left the hug and went back to the couch looking kind of angry maybe?

"What's wrong Fred?" I asked. "Nothing. Just wanted to sit down."

Lee walked over to me and whispered, "It's almost like he's jealous." I chuckled, "Yeah, right."

"Where's Zara?" Lee questioned.

"In the forest as far as I know, she'll be fine." I said, "Unfortunately.." I barely whispered making sure no one heard me although Lee gave me a look. "Maybe she won't bother you anymore." Fred said. "Actually," Angelina came down from the stairs. "Might make her more mad. Hey Fred." She smiled at him. Great. She might've just heard the whole conversation. "Hey Angelina." He blushed. "Could you not?" I accidentally said out loud. Everyone looked at me confused except for Lee, he knew what was going on. Angelina gave me a smirk. "Who? Me? Is he yours?" She asked. I could feel my face heating up from embarrassment and it was definitely noticeable. "Shove off." I spat. There was a long awkward pause before Angelina spoke again, "Well I'm off to bed, good night Fred." She kissed his cheek and headed up. My eyes went wide and I just froze. Stop. You can't have feelings for him. Lee looked at me concerned. "Well guys time for you all to go to bed. Now." Lee demanded then looked at me. "Except for you." Oddly enough everyone listened to him and all went up to their dorms. "What Lee?" I asked. "We are going to stay down here, I'm not gonna let you go to bed upset." I smiled then hugged him tightly. "Lee you're the best."

The next few hours went by quite fast with all the talking and laughing and and Lee did. My voice started trailing off in the middle of a sentence. I was starting to fall asleep and Lee caught on and brought me a blanket and put it over me. "Goodnight y/n/n." He said then he got a pillow and laid next to me on the floor.

I'm sorry for not posting this yesterday like I said I would! I completely forgot to publish I was out then when I got back I decorated my house for Christmas. Anyway, hope you liked it and it's not too bad. Y/n finally got some kinda revenge on Zara so good news for her! Angelina needs to back off however I don't think she will anytime soon.

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