First Day

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We walked in the class and Professor Snape turned around quickly to look at us and said, "You're late." I mumbled "Sorry Professor.." and Snape directed us all to our seats, I unfortunately had to sit next to the Slytherin who bumped into me when I first got to Hogwarts. I groaned and sat next to her, she snickered at me. I rolled my eyes and tried to focus on the class but she kept whispering hurtful things to me, I was getting annoyed so I was trying to think of what I could do to get back at her. That's when I thought of something.. it's very simple but I figured it would be enough to ruin her day. I decided I'm going to dump something over her head. I started throwing random ingredients into my cauldron and it started bubbling. The twins noticed I was up to something so they became interested and started watching.

I picked up my cauldron and looked at her and smirked. She looked confused as I started tipping the cauldron over her head. "What do you thi-" She started but got cut off by what I dumped on her. She immediately stood up and threw her chair back angrily. She screamed, "YOU FILTHY LITTLE MUDBLOOD, YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!" she pulled out her wand and held it to my neck. Snape whipped his head around to see what was happening, I think I almost seen him laugh? I'm not sure if he was laughing at me or her, but he quickly wiped the small smirk off his face and asked what was happening. She lied to him of course, she said " Me and y/n were just talking then suddenly she dumped this stuff on my head, I was even being nice to her!" She started pretending to cry. Professor Snape turned his head to me and said, "Detention!"

"WHAT?" I yelled. "You didn't even get to hear the truth!" Snape eyed me up and down and said, "I already did." then continued with the class. Fred stood up from his chair and spoke up. "Professor, if you didn't clearly hear, she called y/n a mudblood and threatened y/n with her wand." "Would you like a detention too, Mr Weasley?" Fred was about to say something else but George pulled him back down to his seat and told him to shut up. "Great," I mumbled. "Detention on the first day.."

It was now time for lunch so everyone headed to The Great Hall. I didn't feel like eating but Fred kept bugging me too eat so I eventually gave in. I took a couple bites but threw the rest of what was on my plate behind me only for it to hit Professor Snape right in the face. He gave me a detention for the rest of the week, and I just put my head down on the table not in the mood to talk to anyone. Fred rubbed my back so I blushed.

I headed back to the common room rather quickly and headed straight up to my dorm. I had a quick shower, and went on my bed to lie down and start reading a book. I was starting to fall asleep forgetting I had a detention tonight but Fred barged into my room, so I jolted awake. "Come on y/n, you've got a detention." he had a small grin on his face. "How'd you even get up here?" I asked. He replied, "Doesn't matter, come on." I sighed and got up and went down to the common room. "Good luck." he said. I scoffed. I left the common room and started walking to detention..

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