Just A Prank

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I woke up and had an idea, I'm going to prank Jackson Wallace. I had a few ideas on how to prank him but I decided to go with one that would scare him, so I went around and asked some Ravenclaw's he knew if they knew what he was afraid of. They all told me small spaces and snakes. I came back to the common room went to the boys' dorm I was going to knock but the door was already open so I just walked in. It didn't look like anyone was here until I heard, "Ow!" I followed the voice and it was Lee on the floor. "Are you okay?" I asked. Lee jumped. "I'm okay yeah, I just tripped." He said. I nodded then looked away. "What is it?" Lee asked. "I was gonna ask Fred and George something but.." I paused. "I can ask you instead. Do you know any spots in the castle that are extremely small?"  Lee looked like he was thinking then said, "Follow me."

Lee lead me to this tiny closet I walked in and felt that the walls were practically touching both sides of me. I said, "Perfect. But how am I going to get him in here?"  "Get who in there?" Lee asked. "Yeah, get who in there?" We heard someone else ask. Lee turned his head and I walked out of the closet and saw Fred and George walking towards us. "Jackson Wallace." I said. "What's the plan?" George asked.  I said, "I'm going to lock him in here with snakes, does anyone know where I can get some?"  "We'll get them." George said. I nodded.  Fred walked closer to me, "You got a little something.." He stopped talking and just took some old cobwebs out of my hair. "There's no spiders on me right!?" I asked worriedly. Fred chuckled and was checking for spiders when he said, "THERE! THERE'S ONE! Don't move."  "Get it off Fred!" I said. Fred laughed. "There's none on you." George and Lee started laughing too. "Not funny!" I said and crossed my arms. Fred said, "It was very funny." He poked my side which made me giggle but I tried to hide it. "So you're ticklish?" Fred smirked. "No!" I said. "Then let me.." Fred said and reached for my sides but I ran away and he started chasing me. As I was running a door opened and Snape came out I smacked right into him and since Fred was just behind me he did the same. All 3 of us were now on the ground. Fred stood up and offered his hand to help me up, I grabbed it and tried to pull him back down but it didn't work. Snape had his arms crossed staring at us. As soon as we were both standing again Snape said, "10 points from Gryffindor..each."  I started raising my voice at him, "What!? You know what, you can-" Fred put his hand over my mouth. Snape had his eyebrows raised. "Don't ever speak to me like that again, Miss y/l/n." I tried taking Fred's hand off my mouth but I couldn't. "Sorry Professor, this one needs a timeout." Fred teased. Snape glared at the both of us then walked away. Fred removed his hand. "You little-" I started but Fred cut me off, "Come on." He said.

We got to the common room and I asked, "Why are we here? I need to prepare for the prank."  "You're in time out. No pranks!" He pretended to be stern. I rolled my eyes and went to leave. "Wait!" He said. "What?" I asked annoyed. He sat on the couch and motioned for me to sit next to him. I rolled my eyes again and sat on the couch farthest away from him. He sighed and said softly, "Come here y/n." He opened his arms. I crawled over to him slowly and dropped myself onto him. He wrapped his arms around me and gently squeezed.

Later on George came to find me, "Y/n! I got the snakes, they're in here."  "Okay, come with me." I said. We went back to the little closet and I said, "Put them in here." George stepped into the closet and dumped the snakes out of the bag. I quickly closed the door to make sure none could escape. "How am I going to get him in here?" I asked. "Leave that to me and Fred." George said.

Fred, and George were waiting outside the Great Hall waiting for everyone to come out so they could get Jackson. Lee and I were waiting at the closet.

Fred's POV:
George and I were waiting for Jackson to come out so we could lead him to y/n and Lee. It was about 10 minutes later when he came out. We both walked up to him, "Hey mate, come with us we want to show you something." I said. Jackson looked at the both of us then laughed. "No." He tried to walk away but I grabbed his left arm and George grabbed his right. "We weren't asking." George said. We started dragged him y/n and Lee.

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