Sorting Hat

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I wake up to Fred gently shaking me and whispering, "Come on y/n it's time to get up we're almost there." I slowly open my eyes and slowly get up. I get my robes on and sit back down waiting to get there.

We finally arrive at Hogwarts. I step off the train and me, Fred, and George share a boat towards the castle. I look at it in awe but I'm slightly nervous of the people I'll meet and what house I'll be put in, I want to be in the same house as the twins they're the only people I know here. When we get across the water a woman walks over and leads us to the great hall but stops before we enter explaining what's going to happen. She leaves for a few moments but then comes back.

Professor McGonagall leads us all to the great hall and starts calling all of our names one at a time. "Lee Jordan!" She yelled. Lee walks up to the stool and sits down. McGonagall places the hat on his head and starts talking, I jumped not expecting a hat to start talking. Fred chuckled.

"GRYFFINDOR" the hat yells. The Gryffindor table starts cheering. The twins also got Gryffindor and she finally called my name, "y/n y/l/n!" I nervously walked up to the stool and sat on it. She placed the hat on my head and it started talking. It took quite a bit longer than the other students but it finally yelled "GRYFFINDOR" I jumped because it was so sudden and walked over to the Gryffindor table and the twins separated so I could sit in between them. Everyone was cheering for me, it made me feel welcome.

The headmaster Professor Dumbledore made a speech and he made tons of food appear on each of the tables, my eyes widened. I ate a lot of food. "Are you hungry there, y/n?" George asked. I replied, "Very." It was now time for the prefects to lead their houses to the common room. As I stood up a Slytherin walked past me and bumped into me causing me to fall. "Hey! Watch it!" I yelled. She replied, "Sorry didn't see you there." She winked and started laughing to her friends. Fred saw what happened and ran over, "Are you okay?"  "Yeah I'm fine." I said annoyed. He nodded.

When we got to the common room it felt perfect. I went and sat on the couch. Everyone went to their dormitories so I was alone. I started getting nervous for tomorrow and classes. I pulled out a book and started to read, I didn't realize how late it was getting and I didn't want to go to my dorm so I just fell asleep on the couch.

I wake up hearing people's voices all throughout the common room and my eyes widened because I forgot where I was. I calmed down then went to my dorm to get ready for class. When I was done I came down and looked for the twins to see what classes we all had and turns out we all had the same classes which is great! Me and the twins were walking to our first class and they reassured me that it'll be okay and I have nothing to worry about. They calmed me down and we got to the classroom and I opened the door and we walked in..

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