Flying Lessons

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It's been a month since that Slytherin girl threatened me. I still think about the hug me and Fred had, did it mean anything to him or was it just the heat of the moment? Because it definitely meant something to me, I just don't know why. "Y/n, you in there?" Fred asked. I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him and said, "Yes." Probably a little too quickly. We were eating breakfast in the Great Hall. We had flying lessons for our first class.

After we finished eating, me, George, Fred and Lee started heading outside towards the field. Madam Hooch was waiting for everyone as everyone started to finally show up. "We're going to be learning how to fly a broom today, what I want you to do is stand on the left side of your broom hold your right arm out and say up." Hooch said. I held out my arm and said, "Up." but nothing happened. I looked around to see if anyone else did it, and I saw Lee's broom go go right over his head just barely missing his face. I laughed at him and he told me to shut up. I tried again, "Up!" it worked. I looked at the twins and George had his broom in his hand but Fred's wouldn't move. "It's not that hard, Fred." He rolled his eyes and tried again it worked. "Wow you finally did it." I said sarcastically. He scoffed.

Madam Hooch told us we're going to practice taking off and landing the broom which I was a bit nervous for. I put the broom under me and gently pushed myself off the ground and leaned forward slightly. I had a hard time controlling it and it started just going straight really fast. I tried to yell, "HOW DO YOU STOP THIS THI-" but I crashed into something and fell to the ground. I felt myself land on the grass and I looked up slightly to see everyone rushing towards me, some people laughing but Fred, George and Lee were really worried, especially Fred. I heard voices talking and remember seeing a worried look on Fred's face then I blacked out.

I slowly woke up and looked around, I quietly said to myself, "Where am I?" "In the hospital wing, are you okay?" I heard a familiar voice say. I looked to my left and saw Fred with a worried but relieved look on his face. "I'm okay. Do you know when I can leave?" Fred was about to speak when Madam Pomfrey walked in and cut him off, "You should be good to go later tonight." I nodded at her.

I was finally able to leave and Fred for some reason wouldn't leave, not once. I begged him to go eat dinner but he just wouldn't. I was starting to stand up when Fred reached out his arms to help me up. I smiled up at him and said, "I'm fine Fred, really." "Sorry, just making sure." He said nervously. We started walking back to the common room when he grabbed my arm gently to stop me. I turned to look up at him, "What is it?" I asked. He said, "I wanna show you something, come on." I followed him.

We started walking up some stairs and the wind began to hit my face and it was quite cold so I shivered a little. He noticed and told me to come to him, I did and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer. I blushed. We finally got to the top of the stairs and he lead me to the railing. "Do you like it?" He asked. "I love it, it's beautiful up here, you can see everything." I replied. "I come to the Astronomy Tower a few times a week to just enjoy the view, but I figured it could be something we shared." He said nervously but had a small smile on his face. I nodded eagerly and said, "I'd love that." I looked up at the sky and thought how I would love to watch the sunset up here sometime. We talked and laughed for a while then eventually we just sat in a comfortable silence.

I was kind of zoned out staring at the stars when he gently nudged me and said, "Do you wanna head back now? It's getting late." I nodded in agreement. We started to head back when we saw Filch. We thought we could sneak away and not be spotted but he turned around and saw both of us. He started coming towards us at a fast pace and we started running till we got back to the common room. Filch just about grabbed my arm when Fred pulled me into the common room quickly. We sat on the couch and just stared at the fire then Fred said quietly, "When are you gonna head up?" I said, "I don't wanna wake anyone up, I'll stay here for the night." He nodded and said, "Then I will too." I smiled at him and we both slept on either side of the couch.

We woke up to voices and seeing George sitting in one of the chairs staring at us with a smirk. Fred had his arms wrapped around me. My eyes widened and I got up really fast, "Shut up, George." I said annoyed. Fred groaned then slowly sat up. I went up to get ready. When I was done I left the common room and began to walk to the Great Hall. I heard Angelina whisper to Alicia, "There she is, how do I keep her away from him?" I carefully looked around to see if there was anyone but me around and there wasn't so she was definitely talking about me. Alicia said, "I don't know, but maybe you should just leave her alone." Angelina sped up then forcefully pushed me and I fell. "I'm so sorry!" She said trying to play it off as an accident.

I said, "It's fine." Coldly. I continued walking to the Great Hall and saw my friends and everyone else. I decided I wanted to sit on my own today, I didn't even feel like eating. I sat far away from the people and just sat there in my thoughts. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Fred staring but quickly looked away when Angelina kept talking to him. Suddenly they both kept on laughing and I felt something inside me. What was it? Am I jealous? No. I can't be. Lee walked over and sat beside me with food. He pushed it to me and demanded I eat it. I shook my head and said, "I'm not hungry." Then my stomach growled. Really? Now?  I thought to myself. Lee said, "Really? Your stomach says otherwise, eat." I finally gave in and ate and I ate all of it. "Must have been really hungry, huh? He asked. I barely laughed and said, "I guess so.."  "So, you wanna tell me what's wrong?" He asked. I shrugged and just looked at Fred and Angelina laughing with each other. Lee followed my eyes and saw what I was looking at. "You're jealous?" He asked but I don't think it was really a question. "No!" I replied to quickly and louder than I expected. Angelina looked over and caught me staring. My face went red from embarrassment. I heard Angelina say to Fred, "Hold on Fred I have to tell y/n something." She smiled at him and he nodded.

She got to where Lee and I are and sat in front of us. Her smile dropped as soon as she got here. "Could you stop staring at us? Me and Fred are getting along very well, we're going to hangout later. He's so funny and he's actually kinda cute!" She said the last part loud enough so Fred would hear and he did. I saw him blush and look away. I just looked down trying not to show that I am indeed actually jealous. Lee gave her a glare. She walked back to Fred and sat next to him closer than before. She leaned her head on his shoulder and he blushed again. I stood up fast, too fast actually I tripped on the table which earned a few laughs from other people especially Angelina who laughed the loudest. Lee got up and followed me out of the Great Hall. "She's a git y/n, don't let her get to you." He said. That's kinda hard to do isn't it? I thought to myself. I just looked at him. Lee spoke up again, "Let's go back to the common room, Halloween is soon we should plan for it." I nodded knowing this might help take my mind off of Fred and Angelina.

We got to the common room and he pulled out a piece of parchment and a quill. Lee said, "So I'm thinking we could dress up and pull pranks on people, what do you wanna do?" I said, "Um yeah, we could-" I got cut off by laughter coming from.. Fred and Angelina. I rolled my eyes, and looked at Lee and we continued to plan out our Halloween. Fred said, "Planning pranks without me?" I said, "Yeah, now go away." He looked at me confused but slightly frustrated and said, "Fine." Then walked up to his dorm. I was getting tired so I told Lee we would continue this another time and headed up to my dorm. Angelina was waiting for me to come up. She said, "Wanna hear what happened tonight?" I glared at her grabbed my pillow and blanket and just left my dorm, I headed to the Astronomy Tower. I put my pillow down and laid down then pulled my blanket over me and couldn't fall asleep for a few hours but I eventually fell asleep at around 2am.

I wanna give y/n's Slytherin bully a name but I can't figure out what I want I to be. Should I make up a new person with a new name or should I make her someone who already exists? If the second option tell me which person you might want her to be. Also do you have any ideas for Lee and y/n's Halloween Pranks or how they'll dress up? Just looking for ideas :) thanks for reading!

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