Halloween 1

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It was finally Halloween. I rushed out of bed and got ready and got dressed up. I went down to the common room to wait for Lee but he was taking forever. I looked back hoping to see Lee but I didn't. I groaned. It was probably 30 minutes later and he came down. I shot up from the couch and said, "FINALLY!" He laughed quietly, "Fred and George are gonna join in on our pranks." "Why?" I asked. "You don't want us to?" Fred asked. I just looked at him and opened my mouth to speak but I wasn't able to get the words out so I looked away. He furrowed his eyebrows at me. George spoke, "Even if you don't want us to, we're helping." "We don't need help." I said. "Sure." Fred mumbled. We left the common room to go to the Great Hall.

When we got there it was all decorated nicely. My face lit up, I barely whispered a "wow." Fred looked over at me and smiled. We sat down at the table and I kept looking around at everyone deciding who I want to prank first. My eyes landed on a particular Slytherin and I guess I was staring because suddenly she got up and started walking towards me. I grabbed Fred's arm and he looked over at me confused, I just whispered, "Zara, she's coming."

She got to our table and said, "Better stop staring mudblood, you don't want me to get angry at you." I ignored her. She leaned over to my level and whispered, "Once you're alone I'll make you regret coming to Hogwarts." Then went back to the Slytherin table. I felt a bit uneasy but decided to ignore it because today was going to be a fun day.

I grabbed Lee and went to the hallway, we started setting up our first prank. We got orange bubbly stuff similar to what I put on Zara in potions that one day in potions and set up a bucket so whoever steps on the basically invisible wire gets it. Someone we didn't expect to come out stepped on it. It was Fred. My eyes went wide as the orange goop went all over him. He shook his head and went, "tsk tsk tsk. I guess we won't be in on this together, me and George against you and Lee." I said, "No! It wasn't meant for you!" "Well it's all over me isn't it y/n?" He smirked. George was laughing from behind him, "Glad I wasn't up there with you." He said to Fred. He rolled his eyes.

As the twins were walking away I couldn't help but laugh at Fred. Fred turned around and raised his eyebrows at me. "Oh it is on y/l/n!" Then grabbed George and started running, to I assume plan on how to get back at me. I looked at Lee and he said, "Don't worry, to prank us they'd have to find us wouldn't they?" I nodded, "I guess you're right, who should we prank next?" "How about that Zara girl?" "Sure!" I replied.

We began to look for Zara but ran into Fred and George instead. "Great." I whispered. "Fancy seeing you here y/n!" Fred said, "Why don't you eat this, we made it just for you." I shook my head no. He continued, "No? We didn't do anything to it just made a Halloween treat for you two." George held the second one and gave it to Lee. Lee ate it so fast. I gave Lee a look "What are you doing?!" He shrugged. I waited for something to happen but nothing happened..? I gave a confused look. "What? Like I said, we didn't do anything to them." I hesitantly grabbed the treat from his hand. As soon as I ate it they all gave me a smug look, Lee included. I suddenly regretted it. Turns out Lee was in on this and he must have lead me here on purpose. Suddenly I felt like I had to throw up and it was coming fast. My eyes went wide and I turned around and started sprinting towards the bathroom. I almost didn't make it. George came in the girls bathroom.. and said, "Here, eat this. It'll stop the puking." Trusting him I took it and ate it. Surprisingly the puking stopped.

"Thanks.. now GET OUT!" I shouted. He jumped and left the bathroom in a hurry. I came out of the bathroom, and they all laughed. "What did you give me Fred!?" I asked. He said, "Puking Pastille, but come on you have to admit it was funny." "It wasn't it was gross. I'm going to hangout with Alicia." I left them and started to look for her. I finally found her, "Hey Alicia!" She looked up, "Hey y/n! Where's Lee?" "He's with the twins. They just gave me a Puking Pastille." I rolled my eyes. "A what?" She asked. "Puking Pastille, makes you puke." "Gross," She said. "Oh look, here they come now." "Come on, Alicia." I grabbed her arm and began to pull her in the opposite direction. "So we can hangout right?" I asked her. "Of course!" She said. I smiled.

"Y/N WAIT!" Lee yelled. "We're hanging out with you two." "Whatever." I mumbled. I thought of how I could get back at them all. My thoughts were interrupted by Zara. She walked over to the boys and said, "Why do you hangout with a mudblood, blood traitors?" I looked down at the ground. Fred was getting mad at the use of the word 'mudblood'. "You better leave y/n alone!" Fred raised his voice at her. She laughed loudly and pushed me to the floor but Fred caught me. She walked away. "We definitely need to prank her." I said.

"We definitely do, but are you okay?" He asked.  I nodded and instinctively wrapped my arms around him. He chuckled and pulled me closer into a tight hug. We heard a few 'oooo's' from our friends and I blushed and I think I saw Fred blush too but maybe I was imagining it. We pulled away from each other and turned back to our friends. "Anyway," I started, "How should we get back at her?"  Fred said, "Well I was thinking we could..."

For anyone who doesn't know Zara is the girl who was bullying y/n since her first day. Should I make Zara Bellatrix's daughter? Zara's in third year, she doesn't care how old you are she'll bully you if she feels the need to. I'm going to do the second part for Halloween in a few hours, I just have to figure out the prank for Zara. Thank you to the lovely person who gave me the name suggestion for Zara.

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