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It's been a week since anyone's seen Zara, I began to think she was gone for good.. until this morning. Everyone was sitting in the Great Hall enjoying their breakfast when suddenly Zara walks in. She looked exhausted and very dirty. She silently walked over to the Slytherin table and sat down away from everyone else. Her goons walked over and asked where she had been and she said, "I don't wanna talk about it, but I do know I'm going to make y/l/n's life here at Hogwarts like hell."

We left the Great Hall and Zara walked past us all and started talking quietly to random people walking through the hall. Whenever she finished talking to someone the person would look over at me with a dirty look on their face. I brushed it off.

I was walking to charms with Lee, Fred, George, and Alicia when we were all stopped by a random boy in Ravenclaw and a girl from Hufflepuff who I believe is Jackson Wallace and Chloe Haider. Jackson spoke up, "Hey y/l/n. I heard you tried to kill Zara, you know her, right? Chloe and I were thinking of reporting this to the headmaster." "Yeah, this kind of behavior isn't tolerated in Hogwarts." Chloe continued and looked at the twins. "Shut up." Alicia said. We began to walk away when I noticed Chloe grabbed the twins' arms and pulled them back. I quickly turned around to say something but Fred said, "We'll catch up with you guys." I looked at him then George then rolled my eyes and walked away.

I decided once we turned the corner I was gonna try and listen. I told Lee and Alicia I'd catch up with them and they continued walking to charms. I heard Chloe say, "I suggest you guys stop hanging around y/n. You don't want her to try to kill you too." "She wouldn't try to hurt us she's our friend, and she didn't try to kill Zara either. Can we go now?" George said annoyed. "Of course you can. But just so you know y/n is only using you two, I heard she tried to use the killing curse on Zara before. Stopped when she heard a professor coming." Jackson said. I gasped. Fred and George looked at each other. They walked away, heading in the direction I was so I quickly turned around and started running down the hall I couldn't decide if I wanted to go to class right now because I was scared to see the twins. What if they hated me? What if they believed them? I heard their footsteps pick up and get louder, I guess they heard me run away. I decided to go to class.

I ran in and shut the door behind me fast, too fast actually. I accidentally slammed it. Everyone turned to me and I tried to ignore everyone and just rushed to my seat beside Lee. I whispered quickly to Lee, "Pretend I was here the whole time." He just nodded. "Why are you late miss y/l/n?" Professor Flitwick. Just my luck the twins came in just as he said that. "I was here the whole time Professor." I replied quickly. "I'm gonna ask you again, why are you late?" "I was here! You just didn't notice me!" Professor Flitwick then turned to the twins and asked the same thing, "Why are you two late?" "Oh, we had to talk to someone. Very important stuff." Fred said. Flitwick huffed. Then continued on with the lesson.

I asked Lee, apparently we were practicing Lumos Maxima, I couldn't do it. Mainly because I couldn't focus for two reasons, what I heard between the twins, Chloe and Jackson, and Fred and George kept giving me glares. Class was finally over and I rushed out. I saw the twins grab Alicia and start whispering to her. My heart started racing, tears threatening to fall and I started panicking I turned the corner and didn't see the person coming towards me until I crashed into them knocking us both down. "I'm so sorry!" I said worriedly. "I'm sorry." I repeated as he helped me up. "It's alright. My name's Oliver. Oliver Wood." I stared at him for minute until he cleared his throat which snapped me out of it. "Y/n y/l/n." I told him. I remembered what happened before class and a tear fell down my cheek. He reached his hand up to my face and wiped away the tear with his finger. "What's the matter?" He asked softly. I shook my head and put on a fake smile. "Nothing, I'm okay." I said while staring into his eyes. I quickly turned my head and began to walk away. "Wait y/n," Oliver said, "If you ever need someone to talk to or help you in any way I'm here." He smiled at me. "Thanks Oliver, see you around." I smiled back. "See you around." He repeated.

He seems nice, I thought. "Y/N!" Lee shouted. I turned around, "Yes Lee?"  "What happened? Fred tried telling me you were going to use the killing curse on Zara?!" I looked at the ground. "It's not true, Lee. Fred and George believe it don't they?"  "Fred does, George doesn't know what to believe."  "I don't even know what the killing curse is Lee!" I said. "I know, I believe you. y/n/n" He pulled me into a hug. We were heading to the common room when I felt someone bump into me hard enough to knock me down and it was Fred. He looked angry but when he saw I fell his eyes softened. That didn't last long though his angry expression was back on hi s face. He whispered something to George and looked back at me. "WHAT DID I DO?" My voice cracked as I started crying. "I thought you were my friend Fred.."  He came closer and got right in my face, "I guess you thought wrong huh?" My heart dropped. I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. "Back off mate," George said, "Look at her, she's crying."  Fred scoffed. "Maybe she deserves it." Fred mumbled.

Coincidentally Oliver came around the corner, he heard all the yelling. "What's going on here?" Oliver asked annoyed. "This bloody girl tried to use the killing curse on some Slytherin! She can't be trusted!" Fred raised his voice. "Oh please, I don't believe that. First years don't learn about the unforgivable curses." Fred looked confused. "I can't believe you believed whoever told you that, y/n come on." Oliver continued. "Y/n I'm sorry.." Fred spoke softly. "Save it Fred." I said as I walked away with Oliver.

"Are you okay y/n?" Oliver asked. No. I thought. "Yeah I'm okay. Thanks Oliver. I think I need to go find Lee.."

I walked into the common room and saw Lee sitting on the couch. "Hey Lee.."

"Y/n! You alright?"

"I'm fine I guess."

"Good. Umm.. Fred feels terrible."

"Well he should."

"There's a reason why he did that."

"I'm sure there is.. anyway I'm off to bed, night"

I ran up to my dorm before Lee could say anything else. I laid down and fell asleep. I had an awful nightmare.

"You murderer! You won't get away with this! That's my brother!!"

"I didn't do it I swear it wasn't me!"

"You have your wand pointed at my brothers lifeless body!" George crouched down to Fred and started sobbing while holding onto him. Dumbledore walked up to me and said, "I'm sorry but I have to do this to you y/n."

"Avada Kedavra!"

I woke up in a cold sweat and I was shaking and crying. I ran out of my dorm as fast as I could and ran straight to Fred's. I opened the door and ran to Fred's bed. I started shaking him. "Fred wake up, Fred please wake up! Please!" His eyes opened. "Y/n? What are you doing here?" "Oh Fred!" I hugged him tightly and he did the same. "What's wrong y/n/n?" I tried to answer but I couldn't due to all the sobbing I was doing. "Shhh it's okay I'm here." He stroked my hair gently and pulled me under the covers with him. I barely whispered, "He's okay, Fred's okay. He's okay, Fred's okay." I tried to be quiet enough so he wouldn't hear but he did.

"What happened?" Fred asked concerned. "It was a nightmare you were dead and I.." I was nervous to tell him the rest because of the rumour going around. "You what? It's okay you can tell me." I continued slowly, "I did it, it was my fault, and then Dumbledore h- he killed me.." "I'm okay, we both are.. I'm so sorry I believed what they told me," He tucked my hair behind my ear and put his hand on my cheek and used his thumb to wipe my tears away. "To be fair I think I was under some kind of spell, you know I wouldn't do that." We both lightly chuckled. "It's okay Fred."

I figured it was time to go back to my dorm and to not bother Fred anymore so I started getting up. "Where are you going?" "Back to my dorm, you need to sleep." I said. "Do you wanna stay?" Fred asked. "I won't be a bother?" I asked. "Of course not, come here." He opened his arms. I got back on his bed and cuddled into him. I started falling asleep when I felt him kiss my forehead or maybe I imagined it.

More drama I suppose.. don't worry it'll get better for y/n in the next chapter. Yes, I added 2 new characters of my own. I just need names for Zara's goons. I'll try to start updating more often then I'm doing now. Y/n doesn't know what Avada Kedavra is yet and she doesn't know how it was said in her dream if she's never heard it before or knew what it did. I hope this chapter isn't too bad. This one is so bad but I don't wanna redo it lol.

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