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Leila's POV

I looked at the man in front of me, looking like he'd just woken up from a nap. His brown hair was in complete disarray, clothes somewhat wrinkled, hands in his pocket. He was not too handsome, but he could turn a couple of heads. I extended my hand out to greet him.

"Good afternoon, Mr Carter. I'm here for the nanny job. Mr Dawson told me you are in need of one."

He just kept quiet, looking at me. His eyebrows were drawn, and now I was beginning to have second thoughts about coming here. James was the one who ended up talking.

"I'm sorry. He's just woken up and he doesn't like being woken up from his naps." He rolled his eyes dramatically, and I laughed lightly, but one look at Mr Carter made the laugh go away. Then, out of nowhere, he suddenly turned and walked towards a room.

"Follow me."

I turned to look at James, who encouraged me on with a small smile. I smiled back slightly, and followed Mr Carter to the room.

When I got in, I was shocked to see that it was actually a home office.

More like a man cave.

Most of the furniture was black, black wooden floor gray walls

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Most of the furniture was black, black wooden floor gray walls. There were files on his worktable with a frame of his wife and daughter by the beach, the woman kissing the cheek of her baby who was almost a year old. I smiled, touched by the beautiful and intimate memory engraved in the picture.

"Take a seat, Ms....."

"Ms Rollins, thank you."

After making myself comfortable, he looked down at me, pinning me to the chair with his grey eyes.

"So...... Have you ever done this before?"

I nodded in affirmation. I needed a job, and it had been so hard for me to even get an interview. Lord, help me.

"Why, yes, Mr Carter. I used to babysit the kids in my neighborhood. I'm pretty good at this."

He nodded, then asked me other questions, that I answered in an effortless fashion. After a little while, he told me that I was to start tomorrow, since the woman who was taking care of Emilia will be leaving then.

"Let me give you a tour of the house, while I'm telling you some of the conditions I have. Also, bring with you your personal information, like national identity card, information of your next of kin, your phone number, your next of kin's phone number as well."

Giving him the okay sign, I stood up and followed behind him. He told me about how he wanted me to take care of his daughter as if she were my own, and I vowed within myself that I was to do just that. He showed me all the rooms of the house, the outdoor yard then he led me to the kitchen, lastly.

We got in, and in there, was a woman who seemed to be in her late thirties preparing supper. She looked up, eyes widening when she saw me.

Why was everyone doing that?!?

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