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Leila's POV

Mr Carter had apologized to me earlier about his behavior, but the last thing I expected was for him to sit with us for breakfast. I looked at Emilia and saw that she was very happy to see her father sitting with us for breakfast, and it made me feel sad for her. A child with no mother, whilst the father was rarely around. At least he'd sat with them for breakfast today.

I, however, avoided his gaze at all cost. The smile he'd given me earlier in the morning made me see just how handsome he was. Pearly whites and all. He even had a dimple on his right cheek. I feared that if I looked at him right now, I would act like I was crazy or something like that.

He left for work and Emilia left for school, leaving me with nothing to do. When I was done with the dishes, I left the kitchen and was on my way to my room, when I heard the women who came to clean whispering among themselves in the dining room.

"I saw Mr Carter having breakfast this morning with that nanny and the girl."

Her blonde hair was tied into a tight pony tail, fully exposing her pretty face and deep blue eyes. Her condescending nasal voice, however, threw all the compliments of beauty out the window.

"I bet that she seduced the poor man. She doesn't seem like the type to lay still. I don't like her. Not one bit."

Anger rising, I thought of all the colourful words I could throw at her, but, being a hater of conflicts, I decided to leave it like that and go upstairs. The bubble of anger hadn't burst itself yet.

I suddenly got a better idea. Instead of going to my room, I went outside to the garden, where there was a small little table and some chairs surrounding it with an umbrella on top. There were some light showers spraying about, which offered a nice ambience.

Sitting down, I took my phone and played some classical music, my mother's favorite, Yiruma - Kiss the rain. Sighing, I put my head on the table. I suddenly felt homesick and decided to text my mother.

Me: hey Mom. I miss you already.
Putting my phone down, I looked around seeing how the flowers nearby bloomed and flourished, being hit by the rain and shaking ever so slightly. A ding came from my phone and I saw that it was a message from Mom.

Momma(✿ ♡‿♡): oh, my beautiful daughter, I miss you too. A little too much than I'd expected. How is work and how are you?

Me: I am good, Mom. No need to worry. I was just feeling a little homesick and I wanted someone to talk to.

Momma(✿ ♡‿♡): You can always talk to me, babygirl. Your father said hi, he saw me talking to you. You upset him a lot, dear, but he's fine now. He misses you too.

My heart squeezing from the love I felt for my family, I asked about my little sister.

Momma(✿ ♡‿♡): Oh her? She's fine. She doesn't even see that you're gone. And........ have you found anyone special?

I groaned out loud, wishing she hadn't asked that. She always said that she worried about my lack of interest in the opposite sex. It wasn't that I didn't want to date. I honestly did, but I never came across anyone who caught my attention for me to even think about it.

Me: No, I haven't. I just started my job. I don't think that I can juggle a relationship and a job at the same time right now. Relationships demand time and attention, which is something that I do not have at the moment.

Momma(✿ ♡‿♡):Well, you can't rush God's plan. When the time is right, he'll come along. My not so little girl will be gone from my side.

Laughing to myself, I replied back to my mother's messages and we had a blast. The homesickness was gone and I was less angry. The songs playing, the rain pitter pattering, I found myself waking up three hours later, when I realized that Emilia would be home soon.

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