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Leila's POV

"Father, I thank you for this wonderful day that you've given me, and I'm forever grateful that my family is very okay. I'm about to go to a new city, a new environment that I'm not used to, a very active city with a lot of new different customs. Help me to abide in you, and stay in you. Don't let my gaze be turned from you. Amen."

Just as I had opened my eyes, the door flew open, revealing a small body with a full head of curls that was bouncing about.

"Leila, Mom's calling for you. She said that it's time for you to get to the station or else you'll miss the train."

I stood up, and lifted Macy, my little sister, up onto my hip and made my way downstairs. Mother was rushing about as usual, making sure that everything was there. I usually wasn't efficient when it came to packing, and I really didn't want to leave anything.

I was not planning on returning any time soon.

When she turned to look at us, her face suddenly softened and a warm smile crossed her face.

"Leila, my not so little girl, about to go out to the big city. Don't forget to visit us, okay? Don't you dare forget to call me whenever you get the chance."

I rolled my eyes after replying that I would, set Macy down, then looked around the little kitchen that had been my playground my whole teenage life. Four blue walls, a cabinet, our very old stove, a table at the center surrounded by chairs and a fridge. I would very much miss this place, but I had to go and make a better life for my family and myself.

"Mother, I will try. I do not know what will happen when I get there, but as soon as I reach Tori's place, I will call."

She set down the cardboard box she was holding, and sat down to rest a little. Her facial features softened.

"I really am grateful that you have such a nice and beautiful friend. She allowed you to live at her place. Don't be a burden to her, okay?"

I chuckled lightly, and grabbed an apple to stop myself from speaking too much. Tori had literally screamed in my ear when I had told her that I was going there, saying that we were going to have a party when I got there.

Don't worry. It would be our own little two-friend party.

How could I not be a burden to her, when she wanted me to live with her so badly? When she missed me?

My father had just taken the last bag into the car when he called out for me, saying that we were going to be late. After giving my mother and little sister hugs that could last forever, I got into the car and we drove off.

Along the way, there was a silence in the car, and I knew that it was because of my father's disapproval towards my decision on leaving home for the city. I really didn't want to leave home like this, but if I wanted to make a good future for myself, and my little sister, I had to make sacrifices.

We reached the station and it was alive with activity. Many heads bobbed about going in various directions, one looking certain of the place they wanted to go, some not quite sure. We got out of the car and lifted the luggages towards the train. After getting everything put in, we sat for a little while waiting for the train's departure to be announced, since we were earlier than expected. The silence became a little too thick for me, so I decided to break it.

"Dad, I know i-"

A hand was suddenly raised, making me quiet down immediately. He shook his head, and I was surprised to see a smile on his face.

"I know, Lei. It was a tough decision to make. I might not be full on with this plan, but, I will support you all the way. I want you to know that no matter what happens, you can always come home."

A smile made itself present, but the tears decided to join the party. I got up and gave him a huge hug, which filled me with so much love and happiness when it was received and given back. A female nasal voice booked form the speakers in the station

"Last call for the New York City train to depart! Last call for the New York City train to leave the station!"

"Thank you, Dad."

I quickly let him go, gave him a peck on his cheek and ran to the train.


After a long while of sitting, walking about, playing on my phone, sleeping.......I had finally made it. New York. I had received all my luggage, and was now walking towards the exit when I was suddenly tackled to the ground. I was about to go in defense mode when I heard loud squeals and I just knew that it was Tori.

"Lei!!! You finally made it! I was wondering when you were going to come to the city."

I looked to see that her hair had grown significantly, reaching her mid-back while it was straightened, with a bright neon sundress that reached her mid-calf. We had kept contact for the past five years, but she rarely showed her face on any accounts she had. She hadn't changed that much, only her appearance seemed more mature and wiser than when she left.

"Oh, I'd missed you so much, T. We have a lot of catching up to do."

When she saw my luggage, her smile turned into a slight grimace.

"Why so much luggage? Did you bring your entire closet or something?"

I smiled sheepishly, guilty as charged.

"I don't plan on going back home any time soon."

Tori seemed to be deep in thought, when she suddenly took up two bags and began to walk. I lifted the remaining two, and followed her. We were headed towards an Audi S5 that was parked in the parking lot when a man got out and ran towards us. Not knowing who he was, I was somewhat sceptical, but I received the shock of my life when Tori allowed him to take the luggages, and gave her a kiss.

I stood motionless for a while, until she came and took mine, but not before whispering that she'd explain when we got home.

When I got to the car, the man stood next to Tori, and smiled at me. I tentatively smiled back. I still didn't know who he was.

"Gabe, this is Leila, my best friend that you have finally gotten the grace to see. And Lei, this is Gabriel, my boyfriend."

My eyes must have widened like saucers, because both Gabriel and Tori laughed.

"See? I told you that she would be surprised.......I wanted to surprise her."

"Well, that you did, love. It's nice to finally meet you, Leila. Your friend has always talked good of you. I'm glad to have finally met you."

He extended a hand towards me. A man with morals.

I smiled and shook his hand, pleased that she seemed to have made a good decision when it came to picking men.

One brownie point.

Her mother, however, had made some terrible choices in life, and had a husband who was never there. He was very abusive towards his wife, and she grew up in a tough environment.

He better treat her right, or else he'd have me to deal with.

"Let's go now, shall we? We still have a lot of unpacking to do."

We all got into the car and rode to her house.


Author's Note

Sorry the chapters are a little short. I'm definitely going to make the ones that come after this one bigger. I'm kinda busy with exams at the moment....

Keep safe, and God bless y'all💞

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