SEVEN: part i

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Adam's POV


My alarm beeped, showing that 6am had chimed, but I had beat it today. Turning it off, I took my headphones and got out of the room. My sneakers squeaked a little as I went down the steps, making me feel a little uncomfortable.

Squeak! Squeak! SQUEAK!!

I decided to play some music to block out that horrid sound and took swift steps out the house. The sky was totally overcast, promising rain to fall in about two hours. Smiling to myself, I began to jog.

The clouds were turning grey, meaning that the rain was gonna be there for a while when it descended on Earth. I loved this weather. The pitter patter of rain made me feel calm and collected, which was a feeling I loved a lot. As a person who always wanted reign on their emotions, such an atmosphere was perfect.

I felt the adrenaline kick in, making my movement much faster and more fluid, pushing to pick up more speed. That was what I did. I sped up. My breath was steady, lungs used to the usual routine of daily exercise and fitness.

I wondered if Ms Rollins was awake.

When she left for her weekend off, I told myself over and over that I would be nicer. Talk to her a little. Be a good employer. that the opportunity to show that I meant what I said presented itself, I was having second thoughts.

What if it made her uncomfortable?

That's a lie! You don't want to talk to her, because you know it would never work!! You will have made a fool of yourself.

Shaking the loud, crazy thought out of my head, I came to a stop, realizing that I'd made it to the library a couple of miles from home. An old lady worked there, and she opened up as early as 6am. Waving at her when she saw me, I waved back and stood there for a while, catching my breath.

Once it was back, I began to jog again. When the house was becoming more noticeable at the top of the hilly landscape it had been built on, my stomach somewhat knotted a little. What was it?

Anxiety? Fear? Stupidity??

There was nothing to be worried about. Make conversation, talk about the weather maybe? Mentally face palming myself, I saw myself as the dunce I really was.

High IQ but very low EQ.

Peter opened the gate for me, and I walked all the way into the house, catching my breath and allowing my muscles to relax from that ordeal. I walked into the house to hear faint sounds coming from the kitchen.

She's awake.

I walked to the kitchen to get some water, I stopped outside for a little bit. I opened the door abruptly in a harsh manner, and I heard a light scream come from Ms Rollins and a clatter of something metallic hitting the ground. Looking up, I saw her, hand on her chest, eyes wide.

"I'm sorry, Ms Rollins. Did I scare you?"

She quickly shook her head, and looked down and picked the pan that had fallen.

"I'm fine, Mr Carter. I just wasn't expecting anyone in here at this time of the morning."

Nodding in understanding, I went to the fridge and took a bottle of water to drink. I looked at Ms Rollins to see that she was facing a little to the side away from me, and I somewhat felt like it was because of the last time we talked. I cleared my throat, taking her attention from the bowl of dough she had in her hands.


She raised a brow at me, making me feel even dumber than a third grader.

"Sorry, about the last time we talked. What I said to you. That really wasn't how an employer and employee should interact. I just hope that I'm not yet in your bad books."

Something, deep deep inside of me, wanted to be in her good books.

Her eyes widened for a second, then went back to normal. She went back to her dough and began to beat it again. She stopped after a few seconds, turned back to me, and smiled.

"I forgive you."

When I smiled back, her smile faltered a little, making mine fall. What was wrong now?! She'd just forgiven me, now she was not happy again?

"The pasta tasted great, by the way."

Saying a small thank you, she turned back to the dough, and acted like I was not in the room at all! Turning as well, I made my way upstairs for a bath.

Maybe she wanted you to leave because you stink!

I had run all those miles after all.

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