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Adam's POV

Sitting in my office, I couldn't help but look outside. The sun was shining bright, the colours very vibrant and beautiful, broadcasting the beauty of the world, yet, I couldn't fully appreciate the beauty wholeheartedly. I closed my eyes, trying to find some peace within myself

Father....... I can't stop thinking about her.

Bright blue eyes, blonde hair, tall, beautiful, kind-hearted, best friend, loyal, feisty.........filled with love.

I sighed as I touched the ring on my finger, twirling it around, fully preoccupied. I hadn't taken it off ever since that day. I told myself that I would love her and only her, that I would never be with another.

We fell in love in high school, got married after university, built our little house and gave birth to Emilia there. After two years of bliss, it all came tumbling down. I lost her, and I believed that that was it for me. Falling in love with someone else was off the books for me.

The door was suddenly opened, and in walked in the man who thought was in charge of this business, my partner and best friend, James.


I just looked up at him, silently taking in his sad and disapproving gaze. A gaze that clearly showed me that he was not happy, not one bit.

"Do you need anything?"

He looked at me for a little while before sighing and sitting down in front of me. It was like this for a little while, him just looking at me, while I'd given up and had decided to play candy crush.

"You're still wearing your ring."

I stopped playing and looked at him for a second before I went on playing.


He banged his hand on the table, shocking me a little bit at the moment.

"What do you mean 'so'? How long are you going to keep on with this? You are letting yourself go, holding onto someone who has died a little over five years ago."

I kept quiet, because I, myself, knew that what I was doing was not healthy, but I couldn't stop myself. I couldn't forget her. I tried, I really did try to forget, but it didn't work.

"Dude, I know you loved her, but you have got to let her go. She loved you, and now she's resting. If there's one thing that I'm sure of, it is that Kathie wouldn't want you to be like this. She'd want you to be happy, and even find someone to be with again."

I sighed, and stood from the chair and went to the floor-to-ceiling wall, looking outside. Subconsciously, I twirled the ring, thinking deeply about everything.

He came and stood next to me.

"I've seen how you've withdrawn yourself into your work, drowning in it. You are hardly present in church, and you don't take part in any church activities anymore..........."

Taking a hold of my shoulder, he squeezed lightly.

"I worry about you, and I see that you are slowly disconnecting from everyone, even me."

I walked away and sat down again.

"I know what I'm doing, friend. Thanks for your concern, though. I'll be fine."

He stood at the wall, looking outside before he charged towards the door. When he was about to get out, he stopped and looked back at me, face unreadable.

"I hope that this ends soon. It's been five years already."


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