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Adam's POV

I slowly opened my eyes when a sharp pain ran through my head, making me close them again. The noises around me were loud, and I couldn't exactly pin point where I was.

When the ache reduced a little, I tried to open my eyes again. The blurs became more visible, and all I hoped for at that time was that, what I was seeing wasn't real. I saw Kathie, lying on the ground a few feet away. Gathering all the strength I could, I got up and gingerly walked to her.

As I got closer, I saw that blood was flowing out of her, and it was coming out fast. Quickening the pace, I got to her and kneeled down. I held her in my arms, screaming her name out loud, praying that she could hear me and open her eyes.

I checked for a pulse but I found non. Even her body had gone full on cold. That was when I realized that I was holding a corpse, the corpse of my now dead wife.

I began to cry then, holding her to me, saying sweet nothings to her. People began to gather around us, creating a perfect circle. The more they came, the louder it got around us. I looked at their faces, and they were angry at me, all of them. Even the little black haired girl that I didn't know was angry.

Suddenly, the crowd disappeared and the place was left with a deadly silence. A violent wind began to blow, making the leaves in the trees make noise. I closed my eyes, hoping to block my eyes from the dust in the air.

When the wind steadied, I opened them to the shock of my life. A ghost hovered in front of me, but what shocked me more than anything was that it looked like Katherine. Blonde hair, blue eyes, yet she was wearing a white flowing dress.

"K..k k. Katherine?"

She smiled at me, and spoke in a voice that sounded like the wind, soft, yet steady.

"Hello, Adam."

Eyes widening, I looked down to see that I was holding her dead body, yet, she stood in front of me. Shaking my head repeatedly, I opened my eyes, only to see that she was still there.

"This can't be happening."

"But it is, Adam."

I looked at her again, but the smile was gone.

"It's time to let me go, my love."

Holding Kathy's dead body closer to mine, I screamed in defiance, stating that I would never let go of her.

"I love you, Adam. I always will, but it is time for you to let me go."

"No!! Never!"

My loud cries of defiance ended up being whispers.

"If I let you go, who will I have then?"

She crouched down, till we met eye to eye.

"You have what our love produced, our Emilia, and the one whom the Lord has sent into your life."

Confused, I looked at her.

"What? Who? Who is it??"

She stood and slowly began to disappear. Just when I realized what was happening, I yelled for her to stay a while but she just vanished. The body also began to disappear. Everything began to disappear until I had no ground to stand on. I began to fall, deep into a deep dark abyss. Never ending.

I woke up with a sharp breath, my body drenched in sweat from the dream. My hands shakily wiped the sweat off my foreheads.

The sun had just risen, meaning that it was a few minutes after six in the morning. I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom, still disoriented from the dream. As I took a shower, the drops beat on my body, making me feel a little better, but the details of the dream were still vivid.

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