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Adam's POV


I groaned as I woke up, my head feeling like it was floating on my neck. I walked, more like staggered slightly to the bathroom. A brown haired man with a pale face looked back at me in the mirror. He looked like a hot mess. Sighing, I sat on the toilet and combed my hands through my hair. The fatigue was settling hard on me, but I had to go to work. There was a huge investor whom I had to talk to today, and I couldn't let a flimsy flu get in the way.

I opened up the shower and cleaned myself up. Feeling a little better from the warm sprays, I wore my suit and went downstairs. Emilia was already in her uniform as usual, but Leila wasn't there with her.

"Good morning, pumpkin. How was your night? Any nightmares?"

She shook her head without looking at me, and continued on with her breakfast. After serving myself the food, I took a bite but I couldn't exactly get the taste of it. After a few bites, I just stopped eating.

I took my plates to the sink, ruffled Emilia's hair and left the room. Just as I was about to open the door, someone beat me to it. Leila was in front of me, eyes wide from the sudden unexpected event of us meeting.

"Good morning."

She kept on looking at me, eyes focused.

"You aren't well, are you?"

I quickly shook my head.

"I'm fine."

Just then, my body decided to betray me, and I sneezed. She took a few steps back.

"You aren't fine. Your face says it all. You look very pale, and your eyes look a little droopy."

"I am fine. It's just a small flu. It will go away."

She looked hesitant for a little bit, a worried expression crossing her beautiful face. The idea that she was worried about me made me smile.

"Well......I guess since you can still smile, you'll be okay. You can go now."

Moving out of the way, she stepped to the side looking outside. Her slightly wet jacket had a few drops on it.

"You better get that off soon. Don't want you catching a cold now, do we?"

She shook her head, smiling to herself as she walked into the house.

"Have a good day, Adam."

I got out, took an umbrella and walked to my car. The driver was waiting for me. He drove to work, and parked the car while I walked into the building. People greeted me, but I just nodded my head in response.

There were many proposals I had to look at, and the whole idea made me feel more tired. The files were boring to look at, and all I wanted more than anything at that time was for them to disappear. I sat down and went to work.



I slowly opened my eyes, and I realized that my breathing had become deeper and more dragged than normal. I felt a slight chill, which made me shiver.

"You don't look too well, man. You have to go home."

I shook my head, not liking the idea he was bringing to the table. My voice trembled a little when I replied him.

"I'm fine. There's that huge investor coming and-"

"No need to worry about that. I can do it. There's still a couple of hours before he comes. I got this. You, however, need to go back home."

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