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Leila's POV

What do I wear?!

The question kept on replaying itself in my mind whilst I rummaged through my clothes. We had already eaten our breakfast, and now Emilia and Mr Carter were already waiting for me.

It was my off day but I didn't want to not look professional. I was looking for something that screamed 'RESPONSIBLE BUT CAN STILL HAVE FUN'. I turned around in a circles and looked again. A red sundress caught my attention. Thanking God for giving me the choice of the day, I quickly wore it. I twirled around in front of my full body mirror, making sure that I looked good.

 I twirled around in front of my full body mirror, making sure that I looked good

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Smiling to myself, I took my hand purse and left the room. When I got downstairs, Emilia was watching TV.

"Let's go, little one."

I took hold of her hand and led her outside. Mr Carter was in his car, waiting for us. He seemed to be looking at something in his hands, then he looked up to us. His gaze remained fixed on us, making me feel self conscious. I just hoped that I hadn't overdressed.

Emilia went to the back while I sat at the front. The car roared to life and we were on our way. As we got closer to the carnival, the screams of kids and sounds of laughter got louder. The little one could hardly contain herself at the backseat, which made me laugh at how carefree she was.

Mr Carter parked the car and we got out. We bought our tickets at the booth and went in. Mr Carter won a teddy bear for Emilia, and she decided to call it Sir Pibbles. I laughed then, wondering where this little child got such crazy names and wild imagination.

She had asked to go on the merry-go-round, and we sat down on a bench. Mr Carter stood from his spot and left me there alone without a word. I took out my phone and saw a text from Tori.

Tori: Having fun at the carnival? 😏

Me: Yeah.....i didn't necessarily come here to play myself. Emilia's the one who's enjoying herself.

Tori: Why don't you go have fun too? It's not a crime and besides, it's your day off. Play with Mr Carter or something 😂😂.

Me: I'm sure you hit your head. Why would I play with him?

Tori: I saw him at church that day. Why would you not want to play with him? He's BEAUTIFUL 😍.

ME: Remember, you have a boyfriend.

Tori: 🙄😒. Don't be such a buzz kill. All I'm saying is it's your day off, and you're stranded at a carnival with a handsome man, who is also single.

Me: He's my employer, okay, not a handsome man that I just so happened to stumble upon. I'm gonna stop taking to you now.

I put my phone in the purse and looked around. A man was walking towards me, one I'd never seen before. He was handsome, wearing a plain blue shirt with black jeans. He came in front of me a few feet away and smiled.

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