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Leila's POV

When my mind went back to that moment in Adam's office, I couldn't help but smile and hit myself for smiling while I slept in my bed. I kept on telling myself that there was nothing going on, but even I ended up realizing that I was lying to myself. I did feel something for Adam, and the feeling I felt towards him was getting stronger and stronger by the day.

His movements became more noticable, like how he rolled his sleeves before he made himself comfortable on the couch to watch a movie, how he held the bowl to his chest sometimes, completely engaged with the movie on the screen. He ruffled his hair when he was mad, he put his hands onto his hips when he was lost for words. He smiled everytime he said goodbye before going to work, and every now and then he'd wink at me, which only made the butterflies even worse than usual when he was just there.

My phone began to ring, and I looked at the screen to see who had decided to call me that late at night. It was Tori, and the smile that had disappeared came back when I answered.

"Hey, T. What's up?"

She replied with a deafening screech. After a few seconds, she collected herself and answered my greetings.

"Lei!!!! Lei! Lei! Lei!! I got a ticket to the fashion show!! You remember when I said they were hard to find? Well, I met a guy who knows a guy who has a cousin who knows a girl who had some tickets. The guy got them from the girl then-"

"Please!! That is so confusing. A guy who knows......pshht, nevermind. I'm happy for you, girl."

"Thank you. Now, I have to see which celebrities are going to be there on the net.......Ciao!!"

Then and there, she cut the call on me. Laughing to myself about my crazy girl friend, I went on Instagram to see who had looked for me there. I'd gotten two more followers and a few likes on my recent post and had decided to kill time with some reel videos. While I was enjoying myself, my phone suddenly began to ring. It was Tori calling again.

I wondered what she wanted this time.

"Yes, Tor-"

"Go to your instagram right now and check out the latest post by Jane Cress!"

What? That was not what I expected.

"Why should i-"

"Just do it!"

She cut the call on me, again. Rolling my eyes, I went and looked for her, since I didn't follow her account. When I did, I saw a lot of pictures of clothes, selfies of herself in different countries and so on. She had do many followers, it was crazy. The picture I saw next made my heart drop. She was in a five star restaurant with Adam, and they were all smiles. There was a caption under the picture.

Meeting up after so long. I'd missed him♥️#datetothefashionshow

And there were so many comments on how they looked so cute together. The perfect couple, some comments dared to say. And he was going to go with her to the fashion show as her date.

I quickly got off the app and left my phone on the bed while I went to the balcony. When I go there, I closed my eyes and breathed in the air that smelt of rain. I tried to take reign on my emotions, finding I hard to do by the second. My face began to feel hot, especially on the eyes and nose. Even breathing became difficult.

So what happened at the office was all in my imagination? It didn't mean anything? Maybe I had misunderstood the situation, and had made things complicated for myself.

I sat down on the chair by the balcony and held my head in my hands. What was I doing? I was falling in love with him. And the scenario in his office had made it even worse. I could feel the emotion blooming within me, and that only made me cry in shear agony. I went back inside, the tears still coming out when I saw that I had a missed call from Tori.

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