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Leila's POV

After wearing my sandals, I walked out of the bedroom and went to the kitchen. The smell of scrambled eggs made my stomach growl and I smiled, knowing that I was about to be fed. Waltzing in, I began to sing 'good morning!' like an opera singer, when I was suddenly hit in the face with a table cloth.

"Lei, not so early in the morning."

I sat down, smiling at my best friend whose hair was in disarray with a Minnie Mouse night gown on, evidence that she was not ready yet.

"Why aren't you ready for church?"

She turned to look at me, a small smile playing at her lips.

"I don't take long. Unlike some people....."

Gasping in shock, I pointed my finger at her in accusation.

"Hey! I don't spend that much time in the bathroom anymore. I know that I'd spend about thirty minutes in there, but my mother ended up complaining that I was finishing all the hot water before others could get a chance."

"That served you right. Now, eat up. I don't eat in the morning. Still makes me nauseous."

My face screwed up, remembering what happened for me to know that she didn't eat in the morning. We had had a sleepover at my house and she'd eaten breakfast out of courtesy, since she hadn't told my mother. On the bus to school, I could see that she was not fine. She suddenly stood up, ran to the driver to stop the bus when she ran out and puked all that she had eaten. That was not how I wanted to know that my best friend wasn't a breakfast person.

There was a sudden knock on the door, and Tori began to run upstairs, telling me to let Gabriel in. I laughed to myself, realizing that she did not want to be seen in such a messy state.

If she was going to be with him forever, shouldn't she just let him see her like that?

I opened the door, and he was standing with a bouquet of flowers, Tori's favourite, daisies.

"Good morning, Gabriel. Tori's upstairs getting ready. Come in."

He smiled and came in, and put the flowers in a vase just by the door, after adding water in it.

"Let's have some breakfast."

He shook his head.

"No, thank you, I'm okay. I usually eat at home, knowing Tori and all...."

I nodded, then turned towards the kitchen to eat. The eggs were delicious, the bread had been toasted to perfection with a nice steaming cup of coffee on the side. Way to spoil a friend.
I did the dishes when I was done, and went to sit next to Gabriel on the couch, watching an animal channel I'd never seen before.

We began to talk about a lot of different things, the animals on the TV, his profession as a surgeon, faith and belief, and I realized that he was the best man for her. I knew that they hadn't come for blessings yet, but I had already blessed their marriage. The love he had for her was evident in the way his eyes twinkled when he talked about her. He was absolutely smitten.

A couple of minutes later, Tori came down the stairs, looking at glamorous as ever in a white long sleeve shirt with a red skirt paired by black block heels, her hair in an elegant bun. Gabriel's eyes widened as he stood up, acting like he'd just seeing her for the first time.

" look.......... beautiful."

She smiled warmly at him.

"Thank you so much, Gabe. You don't look so bad yourself."

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