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Leila's POV

I'd just put the coffee on when Adam came downstairs wearing his hoodie, joggers and running shoes.

"Um......where are you going?"

He stopped then and looked at me, a small smile on his face.

"Good morning, Leila. I feel a little better, so I decided to take a walk instead of run this morning."

Drawing my eyebrows together, I pinned him to the spot with my gaze. If he showed any sign of sickness he was going back to the bed.

"The weather's good. I just want some fresh air."

I had turned back to my coffee and told him that he could go, but he was taking longer than I had expected, and I was now beginning to worry. What if he got too weak and has collapsed somewhere?

After deciding to go and check on him, the front door opened and in he walked, acting like he hadn't been gone for an hour. With his hands in his pockets, he fled upstairs, his strides faster and quicker than expected. He must definitely be getting better. Thank God. I was not used to seeing him like that, and it better end soon.

I'd taken Emilia to the bus and I'd just gotten into the house when I saw him come down the stairs in his suit. The man was beautiful, and I didn't like that my thoughts of him were heading in that direction. Suddenly, I just remembered something very important.

"You can't leave the house."

He raised a brow, a smirk growing on his face. Why did he have to do that? He was killing me here!

"And why is that?"

"James said that you shouldn't leave, and if you went to work he'd kick you out of the office himself."

He raised his brows in surprise, making me laugh at his predicament.

"You could've told me earlier. Now I wasted a suit."

After my small laughing fit, I apologized for not telling him sooner. He walked back upstairs, presumably to change his clothes. I did the dishes and went to the sitting room. The idea of watching a movie seemed more appealing at the time, so I sat down and picked one.

I was on my second movie when someone suddenly sat next to me. Adam was holding a bowl of popcorn in his hands while he made himself comfortable next to me.

Mentally shrinking, I tried to concentrated on the movie, and not at the man next to me.

"What's the movie called?"

"Uh...... Never been kissed."

There was a silence for a while, which ended up being awkward. Giving myself a mental facepalm, I wished that I'd been watching a documentary instead, about dolphins or even tortoises.

"That's an interesting name to give a movie."


He nudged me with the bowl, and I looked at him to see that he was chewing on his popcorn totally invested in the movie. I took some and ate as well. That went on and on till the movie was over.

"Not too bad. I hadn't watched a movie in a while, and when I say a while, I mean a while. Emilia's movies don't count."

Laughing,I replied.

"Well, you should make more time then."

He looked at me then and smiled.

"Maybe i will, since you have excellent movie tastes, you'll pick the movies."

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