chapter 2

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Chaeyoung's POV

Another day at school another day to experience hell.

I'm on my way to the cafeteria when I feel that I need to pee. I enter one of the cubicle. When I'm done, I'm supposed to flush the toilet when a cold water spilled on top of me. Great! You just take a cold bath Chaeng! I mentally said. I heard laughter outside the cubicle. I went out and saw Lia and her friends laughing.

"Hahaha.. look at you! You're soaking wet! Hahahaha.. you're so funny Park." Lia said. They are all still laughing. "We're just joking alright, no hard feeling Park." Lia said while tapping my shoulder and laughing at the same time. I look at them with a small smile. I pretend to be happy. "Haha.. it's funny. You guys are funny." I said. "That's the spirit Chaeyoung. We're going." She said then leave.

I take a deep breath and started to dry myself. "You're crazy!" My mind said. "I know." I replied.


I'm sitting here at the school bench. Here's where I eat lunch. I can't eat at the cafeteria because Lia is annoyed by me. Well the reason is, it took me so long to deliver their food. It wasn't totally my fault, if it isn't because of Hanbin. He's my long time crush.

I met him on my way to the classroom. He's so popular. Everyone loves him including me. He is kind to me. We shared same music genre and he's a good singer too.

"Hi!" I know that voice! "Oppa!" I said. He's older than me. "Aisshh.. I told you not to call me that. It makes me feel old." He said in a playful tone. I give him my brightest smile.

He sat beside me and took my earphone and plugged in to his ears. "Ohhh.. 1975! I love this band!" He said with full of excitement. "Really?" I asked. "Hmmm.." he response.

I look at him while he's jamming to the song. I made up my mind. I'm going to confess my feelings for him. "He's so cool!" I said. My heart is pounding so hard. Whoo.. heart! Keep it still!

"Oppa," I tap his should shoulder. He look at me. He remove the earphone to his ears. He look at me with a face telling me to continue. "Can we have lunch together tomorrow?" I asked. "Sure. Let's meet here." He replied.


It's the day that I will confess to him. I made cookies and a letter. I'm currently waiting for him. Minutes had passed and I saw him walking towards me. He stop infront of me.

"Oppa, I made this cookies for you. I want to tell you that I like you. You're nice to me, your--" I wasn't able to finished my confession when he suddenly cut me off. "Are you asking me out? Do you think I like you? Yah wake up. I'm only nice to you because I feel pity for you. I'll never like you. Stop dreaming." He said. Ouch! It hurts.

He shoved the box and the cookies were scattered on the ground. He leave me hanging. Then Lia and her friends came and started to make of fun of me. I can't control my tears. I started to shed tears.

I run. I don't have any destination but I keep running. I don't care if I bumped someone. I can't take it anymore! I'm so tired! I don't want to live anymore!

I found myself standing on a bridge. "Right. I should jump and drown myself! Everyone hate me! I'm ugly, I'm boring. Mom, Dad, Unnie, I'm sorry." I'm crying right now.

I walk slowly then when I'm at the edge I saw my family face crying because of me. No! I'm not doing this! I don't want my family to grieve because of me! I'm about to go when I tripped on my shoes and fall. . I feel the water splash. "I don't wanna die! Someone please help me! I don't know how to swim!" I'm starting to lose my breath. No one's gonna save me.

I'm about to close my eyes when I saw a figure swimming towards me. I felt a hand on my waist. I close my eyes. Goodbye!

Someone's POV

I jump to the river when I saw a girl jumped. I grab her and swim back to the shore. Is she crazy?! She's not breathing so I perform CPR. After a few attempts she started to cough water.

"Are you crazy! Why you want to take your own life?! Aren't you thinking about your family?" I said in a firm tone. She look at me. I think she's not full conscious because her eyes is still half close. "Who--" she didn't complete her sentence when she lost conscious again. I called an ambulance and they took her to the nearest hospital.


Chaeyoung's POV

I open my eyes and I saw pure white. Am I dead? Is this heaven? I look around. I'm in a room. I'm in a hospital. "Why am I here?" I asked myself.

The doctor came and asked me. "Good thing you're awake. Someone called an ambulance and deliver you here. Is there anyone that we can contact?" I shake my head. He explained that I'm unconscious for an hour maybe because of shock. I'm not dead? Yes! Mom, Dad, Unnie! I'm sorry!


I'm at home. I saw my mom massaging her temple. "Mom!" I cried. "Ahh.. you startled me! Why are you whining it's so loud!" She exclaimed. "Mom I'm sorry. Sorry that you have an ungrateful daughter sorry if because of me you and dad are suffering." I said while crying. I hug her. "What are you talking about. Aigoo.. wipe your tears and start to pack your things we're moving to our old house. Aigoo.. I could kill your dad right now." She said feel annoyed.

We're moving, so it means that I need to transfer school? A wide smile came from my lips. "Ahhhh.. we're moving?! So I'm going to transfer school! Ahhhhh.. I'm so happy! Thank you mom! Ahhhh.. I love you!" I exclaimed with full of excitement. "Yah! Are you crazy? One second you're crying then you're jumping like a fool! Aigooo.. I'm living in a house full of crazy people. Tsk." Mom said. I couldn't care less about what she said. As long as I'm going to transfer school everything is okay. I'll start a new life!

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