chapter 5

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Chaeyoung's POV

I'm here at the bookstore. I spent atleast one hour here after school. I look around, this place haven't change a bit. The same arrangements, same atmosphere. I scan the bookshelves and found one of my favorite story.

I'm about to take it when someone took it out first. She's about to leave when I grab the book away from her. I walk pass her but she grab the hood of my hoodie and take the book in my hand. I'm pissed now. I face her.

"What's wrong with you? I saw it first!" I exclaimed. When I saw her face, I think my soul left me. It's freaking Kim Jisoo!

"Ohhh.. Park Chaeyoung" she said plainly. I examine her face to see if she's mad but no, blank expression is what I saw. "Hi Jisoo. Uhmm.. you can have the book. Bye!" I said in a rush tone. I'm about to go when she grab my wrist a pull me towards her.

I'm shocked by her action. Again, just like before, she give me this intense stare that I feel that I could melt anytime.

"It's you." She said. I look at her with a confuse face. "M-me? What did I do?" I stutter. She keep her gaze at me. This time it's not a cold stare but like a curious one. What are you thinking Jisoo?

She let go of me. "Hmmm.. seems you don't remember." She said then walks pass through me. I'm confused. What's she's talking about. I approach her. "What do you mean?" I asked. She didn't response. "Yah Kim Jisoo answer me." I yelled a little. I followed her outside the bookstore.

"Forget it Park." I froze in my spot. Park, she called me Park. Does she knows about me in my previous school? Did she saw one of my video that's why she said that's it's me? I feel my tears falling down my cheeks.

Jisoo's POV

I didn't hear any response from Chaeyoung so I look at her. What the? She's crying. I come to her. "Chaeyoung, what's wrong? Why are crying?" I asked. She didn't answer me. She continued to let a small sobs. Did I said something wrong? I mean I don't want to tell her about her suicide attempt because it might trigger something and she attempts again.

After a few minutes she calm down. She's stop crying. I look at her. She's avoiding eye contact. Well ever since we met, she's avoiding my eyes. Maybe she's intimidated by me.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cry infront of you." She said and I didn't answer. "Please don't let anyone knows about me. Please I'll do anything." She plead. What's she's talking about? Is it about her suicide attempt? Are we on the same page? "Why would I gossip about you?" I asked. "You won't say anything?" "What would I gain if I talked about you?" I replied.

She jumps like a little kid who's about to eat a cotton candy. She's cute. I mentally said. "Thank you! Thank you! Promise I'll treat for this." She said happily. She said her goodbye.

Why do I want to keep her smile?


Chaeyoung's POV

Last night conversation with Jisoo was unexpected. Because she's a cold-hearted person I thought that she would leak my secret, but she said she won't so I trust her.

I'm walking at the corridor when someone stood infront of me. It's Lisa. She look at me like I'm like a crime suspect. "It's really you. I don't have any idea you study here." She said. "You're not here when I transferred." I replied. "I think you owe me something." She said. I think of what it could be but no avail. "I don't know what you're talking about." I replied.

She look at me with her famous smirk. "My arm hurts, I almost get caught and I think you have something that belongs to me." She said. I recall that night and yes, I do owe her one but it's not my fault so, no I don't owe her anything. "I don't owe anything from you. First of all you bumped to me and second I called the police to save you from those jerk and third, I'll bring your necklace tomorrow." I explained.

She look dumbfounded. "Woahh.. you're tough. I don't care. Pay me for the injury and bring back my necklace. I'll give a week." She said then leave. That brat!

When I arrived at our classroom room, I look at Jisoo's seat. She look at me and I give her a big smile. Just like the usual, no response. Aisshh.. another brat.

"Chaeyoung would you like to come with us after school? We're going to the arcade." Nayeon invite me. "Sure. I'll go with you."

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