Chapter 5 - Worry

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(My Hugo addicition suddenly crawled from the dark depths of the back of my mind and I had already forgotten how fabulous he was.. Anyway sorry for taking longer to publish these days. Studying takes a lot of my time but I really don't have a good reason for taking SO flipping long.. I shall stop rambling and you shall get to FINALLY read about the adventures of dearest Smithy and friends! ^^)

(*2nd person POV*)

You looked out threw the window as you laid on the couch in Smith's neat apartment. The clouds were slowly drifting threw the baby blue sky. You looked at the cloud shapes. One looked like some cotton candy, other one looked like a sheep, the next one looked like a keyhole. Wait.. A keyhole? That seems kinda random. You heard your phone start ringing on Smith's night table, where you had left it. Your gaze lingered on the oddly shaped cloud for just a moment longer before you rushed to your phone. You flipped your phone open with ease and started speaking. 

"Wassup?" You asked leaning against the wall. "(Y/n) ya know you should return right? We have almost arrived back on Zion." You paced around Smith's apartment. He had not yet returned. "Do i have to?" You asked with a frown. "Well YES! You've been in the Matrix for the past 17 hours.." It didn't feel like 17 hours. You knew that at least 10 hours were you sleeping but still seven hours awake in the Matrix? "Alright.. I'll come out. I'll just leave Smith a note that i had to go. I'm sure he'll understand." You said still feeling bad for having to leave without saying proper goodbye to your lover.

"Alright. I'll get a phone ready for you. Ring me when you've finished the note." Link informed before you ended the call. You sighed as you eventually finished writing the note explaining the situation. You left it on the counter and walked to the door. As you slipped on your shoes you took one last look at the apartment. It filled you with a melacholic and longing feeling. You desired to see Smith at least once more before you'd go.. You looked at the clouds and noticed the keyhole was gone. You turned back to the door and grabbed onto the doorhandle. You opened the door. But to your surprise right on the other side there was an agent who had almost knocked on the door. You backed away with a gasp of surprise. Then you realized it was Bennington. "Oh. Hi Ben." You greeted calmly. Your gaze settled on her face. She held a distressed, worried and guilty look. "Is everything alright?" You asked gently walking back to her. "" Her voice shook. "It's- Smith. Something is wrong."

Your need to stay in the Matrix just rose by a million. You wanted to stay SO badly. But you had made a promise. If you'd break that promise you'd most likely be punished. Worst case scenario you would be kicked from the crew and you'd never see Smith again. After fighting yourself for five minutes you decided you'd be a coward and go back to the real world. You ringed Link and he told you an address. You made your way over and answered the ringing phone. 

That night you couldn't sleep. Most were gathered for a party. You had explained that you didn't feel too well and the crew had let you get some extra sleep. You lied in your bed and thought about the man you loved. Slowly your eyes drifted closed. But everytime you closed them, you were overwhelmed by the worry. For a long while you just laid down and listened to the distant rave music. But with time your eyelids became too heavy. 

You opened your eyes slowly. In front of you was the man you loved. Agent Smith. He was wearing a white suit. In his front pocket he had a bright red rose. You started running towards him as soon as you saw him. You knew this was just a dream but you had to take out your worry on him. "Smith! Are you alright?! Did you get hurt!? What happened!?" You tried to ask him. His hands wrapped around you. You froze. Had he just.. Hugged you? You wrapped your arms around him too but a little slower. "You need to find me." He whispered. "Wh-what?" You asked but it came out as quietly as his weird statement. "You need to see your own potential." Your lover whispered. "You need to help him." The more he spoke the more confused you became. "A-alright.. But are you alright? Did you get hurt?" You tried to get to the most important questions. Smith's hand slowly left you and you were left to feel almost cold without his affectionate touch. "I love you." Were the last words he whispered before he turned away. "Wait! Don't leave me!" You reached for his hand. But he disappeared. 

You jolted on your bed. You hugged yourself as you sat on your bed. The dream felt so real. But you knew it wasn't. The way he had said those things. Although he had spoken with softness it had lacked the emotion. You slowly fell back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. You'd have to contact Smith as soon as possible. What ever had happened to him had to be serious. The pure worry on Agent Bennington's face had been too sombre for it to not be. 

(Woo! More questions and confusion! Anyway i'll try to upload quickly again as soon as possible ^^)

Emotions are complex //SEQUEL TO THE AGENT SMITH X READER "HE IS A PROGRAM"//Where stories live. Discover now