Chapter 12 - Vote

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"So you are saying that this Smith guy.. Isn't evil?" Patience asked tilting her head slightly. "I believe her! She must have a good reason to think so." Nova smiled brightly. He swiped a strand of his bright hair off his face before he turned to look at Phoenix. "I'm not buying it. Didn't you see what he did to Neo and (Y/n)?" Phoenix reminded making eyecontact with her brother. "Are you sure about this?" Vortex asked calmly. "Yeah. I'm pretty sure." You confirmed. "Is there any real way to test that he can be trusted?" Trinity asked. "What if we brought him to the motel for a lil chat? We'd have easy access to weapons and such." You suggested. "You do know if what this 'dream' Smith says is true, his clones will find him?" Neo reminded. "Well lucky for us Nova, Tank and Link have been busy." Morpheus stated signaling for Link to explain. "Yes, indeed. We were able to modify the motel's code. It can't be tracked anymore and only those who know it's location will find it." Link explained. "You'll just have to get him there without him knowing where you're going." Tank joined in. "Alright! I'll just have to message Smith." You smiled widely as you started to walk away.

"You forgot something.." You groaned and turned back around. "You don't have the crew's consent. We'll have to vote." Morpheus explained. "Alright. Those who are against bringing Smith here, raise your hands." You watched as Phoenix's, Morpheus', Link's and Tank's hand's rose. "And those who think it's a good idea raise your hands now." Morpheus stated with a sigh. Your, Trinity's, Neo's, Vortex's, Nova's and Patience's hands were raised. "It's settled then." Morpheus stated with a serious expression.

You sent yet another message to Smith. You suggested that you'd meet him in front of the place where you first met him. You knew Smith wasn't foolish enough to answer to your text and so closed the program. 

"You do know you can't just strut to thee meeting point and hug your boyfriend right?" Phoenix reminded cleaning one of her knives as you drove to the meeting point. "Of course.. You think I'm that much of a fool?" To be real you hadn't really thought about how to approach him. You were suddenly filled with doubt. How could you ACTUALLY make sure it was Smith? "Were here." Neo mumbled, parking the car far enough from the building. "Remember to stick to plan. Just infrom us threw the earpiece if anything bad happens, we'll try to watch the situation from here but might lose sight on you." Trinity went over the plan and you gave her a firm nodd to signal that you understood. You made sure you had some guns with you and a back up knife. Then you hopped out of the car and approached the building. You looked up at it. Your old office building. You remembered the first encounter you had had with Smith here.

"You're going to help us, Miss (Y/l/n) whether you want to or not."

You blinked the memory and the tears away as you finally started looking around. A pair of blue eyes caught your attention. That couldn't be.. You ran after the person as they disappeared into and alley close to the building. "Smith?" You asked carefully as you walked down the alley. The place smelled horrific. Probably because of the massive carbage cans that covered the right side of the alley. You looked forward and were met by the pale blue eyes once again. They were scanning your movement. He was wearing a dark trench coat, denims and his dress shoes. His shades and ear piece were gone.

"Is it the real you?" You questioned your hand hovering over the gun that was resting against your hip. "All the Smith's are real, love. I'm just the original one." Smith stated holding eye contact. You let out a light chuckle but knew you couldn't let your walls down just yet. "What nickname did you write in that letter you left me on the day of disappearence?" You questioned. "It depends. I wrote myself as 'your agent' and I called you the nickname you had given on our last date the night before, 'Queen (Y/n), the humble and selfless'. So which nickname are you referring to?" He questioned. "It doesn't matter!" You grinned as you rushed to him and wrapped your arms around him. "It's so good to see you." You mumbled into his jacket. 

"You do know even if the Smith you come in contact with knew answers to all the questions you'd ask him, you shouldn't just run to him like this right away?" Smith reminded holding you close. "Of course.. But I just couldn't resist- Also why aren't you wearing your suit?"  "I thought it would attract less attention. And maybe the clones won't recognise me as quickly if I have my shades off." He explained. "We probably don't have too much time. Why did you want to meet me?" Smith asked letting go of you. "Well.." You connected your lips with his so you wouldn't have to answer and quickly pulled the syringe from your pocket. You injected the liquid into his blood stream. His eyes shot open as soon as he had felt it and he let go of your lips with a hurt and surprised look. "What-" You still held him tightly. "Sorry Smithy.." You whispered with a frown. "Why do I feel so dizzy? I-I thought most off that stuff didn't affect programs." Smith whispered back. His sad voice made you feel super guilty. "It's was made specially for programs, darling. Now rest I'll explain everything as soon as the effects wear off.." You started slowly lowering him against the wall at the end of the alley way.

Emotions are complex //SEQUEL TO THE AGENT SMITH X READER "HE IS A PROGRAM"//Where stories live. Discover now