Chapter 9 - Memories

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The next morning after eating breakfast, you and the rest of the crew gathered around the operator's table. You'd be planning your next move. The crew had gatherd clues on where the Keymaker was. You suspected that he was held by the program who called himself the Merovingian. You settled on a small group of four. Morpheus, Neo, Trinity and you would go in. You'd do your job as the Guardian and stay as the One's bodyguard. You didn't really feel like his bodyguard. He had had more training than you and he was better at fighting. Your job seemed to just be there if he needed you. You walked by Neo's side. You looked at the passing people. They were all oblivious to the truth. Some were looking for it while some just chose to ignore the signs. You were wondering what Smith felt right now. You really wanted to speak with him. Maybe he could explain what was wrong and what had made him do the things he had done. And if he couldn't maybe you could find out on your own by trying to examine him..

You, Morpheus, Trinity and Neo entered a tall skyscraper and then entered an elevator. "What can you see?" You asked looking at Neo. "The code is somehow.. Different. It's probably encrypted." Neo noted. "Is that good for us or bad for us?" Trinity gazed towards Neo threw her shades. "Well, it looks like every floor is wired with explosives." "Bad for us." You stated. Tho you didn't want to reveal it to the others you were kinda nervous. The fact that you were actually this guardian thing and you needed to help the One sounded neat and you liked Neo, as a friend, so that was no problem. But what if you'd screw up? What if you weren't there when he needed you the most? These thoughts were burdening you. But you were soon pulled away by the elevator making a small ding. You walked out and towards the waiter. "Hello. We are here to see the Merovingian." Morpheus greeted him. "Of course, he has been expecting you. Follow me." 

You were staring out threw one of the huge windows as Neo and the Merovingian spoke. You couldn't focus on their speeches. It made no sence to you and you felt emotionally exhausted. You wanted to try and think about anything else but Smith but it was really hard. Why would he act that way after everything you had been through? You smiled slightly as a memory suddenly came to you. 

It was a hot summers day. You were walking hand in hand with Smith. Eventho it was super warm he still didn't want to change out of his dark suit. You were walking down a path made of  different shaped and sized rocks. The path was planted on a grassy hill. You had been sitting by a pond and had decided to get some ice cream. "What flavour do you want?" Smith questioned looking at you. "Wait you're planning on paying?!" You asked, knowing he'd only ask if he needed the information to buy you some of the icy goodness. "Of course! It was my idea." Smith stated with a look of pride. "Whatever.. Free food is always great." He chuckled at your comment. "You know, you didn't answer my question yet.." He remarked looking away. You smacked his arm playfully. "I was going to answer!" You answered a huge grin visible on your face. "I'd love to get some (Y/f/i/c/f) flavour ice cream." You announced confidently. "Again?" He asked unable to hide a smile. "What? You know I'm a sucker for (Y/f/i/c/f)!" You reminded him. He shook his head and answered. "Yeah, yeah I know." 

You finally arrived to a small kiosk that sold ice cream. "Two (Y/f/i/c/f) ice creams, please." He ordered. "Alright. Any toppings?" Smith looked at you. He had already offered you ice cream and the toppings here were over priced so you just shook your head. "No thank you." Smith answered and then paid for the ice creams. "Alright. Here you go." He handed you both cones of ice cream. "Thank you!" You chirped feeling pretty happy. Your hand soon found its way back in Smith's as you walked back outside to the terrible heat. 

You decided to both sit down on a patch of grass near by. Smith took off his sunglasses as he carefully started examining the ice cream. You had already started eating. He started eating as well. After you finished you noticed that Smith had somehow gotten some ice cream on the tip of his nose. You giggled at him and he looked at you with a confused look. "You got some ice cream on your nose, somehow.." You couldn't hold in the laugh. He looked too adorable. "Oh.." He quickly wiped off the ice cream. "Better?" He asked. "Hmm. I don't know. You looked pretty cute." You murmured holding back your laugh. He tackled you on the grass but clearly did it in a way he knew he wouldn't hurt you. "I thought you were more into handsome." You giggled at him. "I like both!" You stated. You noticed how he stopped talking and kinda just examined your face. "Do I have ice cream on my face as well?" You questioned genuinely unsure. "No. It's just.. You're so..perfect." He admitted. His voice was so genuine and full of love that you couldn't help but smile at him. You connected your lips with his for a passionate kiss. 

You were snapped back into the cold reality. "...I drink too much wine, I must take a piss. Cause and effect. Au revoir." Merovingian had just finished some grand speech and you were escorted to an elevator. "That didn't go too well.." You stated leaning against one of the elevator walls. You wouldn't let the others know that you had totally zoned out. "Are you certain the Oracle didn't say anything else?" Morpheus asked looking at Neo with a dead serious look. Neo nodded. "Perhaps we did something wrong?" Trinity suggested. "Or didn't do something." Neo thought in response. "No, what happened happened and couldn't have happened any other way." "How do you know?" You questioned. "We are still alive." He answered. Suddenly the elevator doors opened. It was the Merovingian's wife. "If you want the Keymaker, follow me."

Emotions are complex //SEQUEL TO THE AGENT SMITH X READER "HE IS A PROGRAM"//Where stories live. Discover now