Chapter 13 - Beat, Beat, Beat, A Heartbeat

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(The title of this chapter is a refrence to a song. Give yourself a highfive from me if you know what song the lyric is from without googling it. I'm not gonna further explain why this chapter is called that.)

You sat on one of an armchair's arms as you gazed upon Smith's unconcious body. He had been set on one of the motel's couches as soon as you had returned. You traced the slightest of lines on his stunning face with your eyes. Everynow and then he'd flinch or mumble something. You were worried about his state. "Has there been any changes yet? Has he said anything?" Neo asked walking next to you. "Not yet. But it seems he is dreaming. I'd have to guess that it's a nightmare.." You stated with a frown. Before you could ask anything from Neo, you heard another voice."So this is the fella?" Parience asked entering the room. She spoke quite loudly and Neo held his finger right in front of his mouth and made a small "shh". Phoenix came in right after her. "Morpheus wanted us to come check that everything was alright. Also the Keymaker seemingly needs you both. He said it was important." Phoenix's face stayed neutral as she spoke. She and Nova were truly opposites.. 

"Thank you. I'll go check on him right away." Neo made a small bow movement with his head before leaving. "You can go ahead. I'll be coming with you as soon as Smith wakes up. It'd be chaotic to have an ex-agent running around confused." You explained with a light chuckle. "Okie. Bye (Y/n)!" Nova waved after you as he and Patience left. Phoenix gave you a nod and Neo waved slightly before closing the door. 

You turned back to look at Smith. What was he dreaming about?

(*3rd  POV* *Smith's dream*)

Smith was walking with (Y/n). It had suddenly started to pour down from the sky. Smith being the gentleman he is had offered (Y/n) his suit jacket as soon as he had felt the first drops. They had both forgotten their umberellas so it was the best he could do. "Are you sure about this?" (Y/n) had asked and Smith had simply nodded. They were making their way to Smith's apartment. 

As soon as they entered Smith hurried to his bathroom to grab couple of towels for the two of them. (Y/n) stood waiting. "You could have sat down you know.." Smith stated walking over to her and wrapping one of the towls around her. "Didn't want to ruin your fabulous apartment." She chuckled her teeth clattering together because of the intense cold. Smith sighed as he led her over to the couch. They sat down together. "Perhaps we c-could cuddle? That'd sure give me w-warmth." (Y/n) suggested wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. Smith smiled before stating. "Why not?"  Smith wrapped his arms around (Y/n) and they spent a moment just listening to each others breathing.

Suddenly the memory (Y/n) disappeared. "Uhh.." Smith looked around. His apartment had gotten a more dark color to it. Outside his apartment the street was full of his clones. "Ah, look at them all." Another Smith spoke. The original Smith was slightly startled by his clones appearance but kept his expression as neutral as possible. His poker face was almost fully solid after all. "All so loyal. Ready to do anything for the cause." He smiled turning back to the original Smith. "Wouldn't it be so fun to join them?" He suggested cheerfully. "We have a very different perspect on what's fun.." The original Smith stated. "Oh, really? I don't think so.. We both enjoy killing. And before you even try to say otherwise I've seen the glint of excitement in your eye when on a mission, mister saint.. I remember the feeling of exterminating those pesky humans being quite an excitement." He grinned evily. "That's not me anymore. I've changed." The original Smith stated strictly. "So why don't you go bother some of your beloved clones?" 

The clone Smith sighed. "I don't want to make this hard for you.. I don't enjoy breaking you. I'd especially hate it if it did something to that genius head of yours.." He stated walking closer. "But if you insist." He stated pressing one of his hands against the original Smith's forehead. The original Smith had tried to stop him. To do something but it was as if he had been frozen. Suddenly all the images of pain and torture came back. The hours the clone's had spent to try and break him. He groaned as he fell to his knees and held his hands against his head. He tried to think of anything else. Maybe it'd cause the pain to end. All those hours. Nonstop torture. "No! Gah." The clone Smith gave the original Smith one more look. "Such a pity.." Then he disappeared. Sadly that didn't remove the feeling of agony. 

(*2nd person POV*)

You had started to try and wake Smith up. He had started to mumble 'No' over and over again. "Smith, wake up! It's okay. You are safe." You stated shaking him slightly. Suddenly the past agent got up and wrapped his arm around your throath. "S-" You tried to form words as the air was slowly running out as you tried to rip Smith's arm off of your troath. Suddenly he let your neck go. His eyes were wide and full of shame. "I'm sorry! I am so sorry." He stated avoiding eyecontact. After getting your heartbeat to slow down you slowly took his hands in yours. "It's alright." He looked into yours eyes carefully. "Where exactly am I?" 

"Welcome to the crew's hideout." 

Emotions are complex //SEQUEL TO THE AGENT SMITH X READER "HE IS A PROGRAM"//Where stories live. Discover now