Chapter 15 - Finland?

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(Hi. It has been a while once again.. A lot has happened. Some good, some bad. But I'm trying to stay positive. I'm honestly amazed that so many people have read these two fics and I've met a lot of wonderful people threw my and other peoples works and I'm really thankful for that. Also I'm super excited for Matrix 4. I think it's either gonna be great or suck. I haven't seen it yet tho so please no spoilers! My only real problem with it, is that Hugo's Smith is missing (if I understood correct) since I feel like Hugo is the best at portraying Smith on the big screen. Anyway thank you for reading this. I'll get to the story now.)

It felt like the night dragged on. You couldn't sleep. You were pestered by the idea of your part in the mission. You were unsure of yourself. What were you supposed to do? "Is everything alright?" Smith whispered his blue eyes locking with yours. They were filled with worry but you could see that the worry wasn't just for you. He was worried about tomorrow as well. "Yeah I'm fine." You felt one of his hands settle against your cheek. You felt his thumb stroke your cheek slowly in a calming manner. You smiled at him. "I love you." You whispered genuinely. "I love you too." Smith whispered back before pressing a gentle kiss against your forehead. He moved his hand and you scooted closer to him and fell back asleep. 

Smith was indeed worried. He was worried about the other Smith's plans. How did the source fit into it? Would it have anything to do with the mission? Smith calmly combed threw your hair with his hand. How could he survive if something happened to you? He knew that line of thinking made it seem like more of an obsession than love but aren't the two just the same thing? He thought about it silently. He could feel how your breathing slowed down and you were asleep. Smith was ready to face the future and his nightmares.

You sat next to Smith on a fancy leather couch. You were in a more laid back position while he sat straight. Neo paced next to a large window. Morpheus had his phone out. Slowly the city lights started flickering off. Neo turned and the Keymaker unlocked the door with one of his special keys. Soon you and the others were in the hallway. You were making your way to the final door. You turned right and. "I'm sorry, this is a dead end." You paled at the sight of him. One of the clone Smiths. "What do you want?" Neo asked. "You still haven't figured that out? Using all the muscles expect the one that matters." He approached slowly. "I want the same as you, Mr. Anderson. I want everything." "Would that include a bullet from this gun?" Morpheus offered pointing a gun at his face. "Go ahead, shoot. The best thing about being me.." The original Smith  leaned close to you and whispered. "There are more of them near. I can feel it." Your eyes widened but before you could say anything the clone Smith finished his speech. "there's so many me's." And like on que the hallway flooded with Smiths. Neo and Morpheus started to beat the clone Smith's furiously. One of the Smiths grabbed you and dragged you threw a door. "No!" The original Smith roared as he ran after you. 

As soon as the original Smith had followed you threw the door, one of the Smiths closed it seperating you from Morpheus and Neo. You managed to rip yourself from the clone's grasp and collided with the original Smith. Smith helped you regain your balance. "It should be easier to deal with you if the group is split." One of the Smiths said circling you and the Original Smith. The place you had ended up in looked like some sort of a back alley. A small plaza was on the right and on the left was a busy looking street. And it was night time here too. Then the fight was back on. About seven Smiths were fighting you and the Original Smith. The fight moved you to the small plaza. Most of the attacks were towards you and you guessed it was so that they could Smithify you too. 

One of the Smiths kicked you in the stomach and you were sent back. You felt one of your ribs break on impact. You coughed up some blood. Your eyes watered violently. The original Smith started to run at you. He was still in the middle of a fight but he tried to multitask. You started to drag yourself away from the other Smiths. They were approaching you menacingly. Smith fought them off. You saw one of the Smiths shoot towards Smith while he was distracted. "NO!" You yelled and suddenly a force field like wall appeared in front of Smith. It threw the other Smiths away and the bullet was stopped by it. You let out one more sob of pain before passing out. 

Smith turned to you quickly and didn't waste any time. He quickly picked you up and started running. He ran to the street and pulled his phone from his pocket. He dialed the operator's number. "Operator." Link answered. "Hey. We kind of need help. Right now." Smith talked quickly. His voice was laced by a certain kind of fear. "Where even are you?" Link asked already searching on the computer. "I have no idea. One of the Smith clones got (Y/n) and dragged her from the hallway and I followed them." Smith heard the gunshots behind him and tried to run even faster. "Oh there you are. You are in this country called.. Finland?" "Where is the nearest escape?"  Smith asked adjusting you better in his arms. "Turn left at the next crossroad and then one right and it should be on your right." Link tried his best to explain. "Alright. Thank you." Smith carried on. He turned left once then right and there it was. A phone booth. It was ringing. "Come on, love. You need to wake up." Smith whispered. You whined but opened your eyes slowly. "Thank you." Smith said slightly out of breath. He gave you the phone and you were transported on the Nebuchadnezzar.

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