Chapter 1 - The story continues

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(*2nd person POV*)

You took a deep breath. "You should give up. There is no chance you'll make it." The man said. His voice was one of those, one always recognized. Unique. Smooth. "We'll see." You said attacking your opponent full force. You kicked his side but he dodged your leg smoothly. He then hit your side which caused you to stumble back a little. "Is that the best you've got?" He asked. The man was non other than the Agent Smith himself. You smirked at him and soon started punching him. You were aiming for his face but his blocks were swift. He on the other hand, hit you with ease. You decided to aim a sudden kick to his chest but soon enough realized your mistake as he snatched your leg and pulled you so you lost your balance. You fell to the ground and he let go of your leg. "You beat me.." You said sadly. But then you teleported behind him. "Not." You whispered smoothly in his ear as you kicked his back causing him to fall on the ground. He had done a 180 right before he fell and he was left to stare at you as he fell on the floor dramatically.

His stare was intense, but it soon melted away as he gave you a breathy laugh. His laugh was one of the cutest things you had ever heard and it was sadly rare. "Not bad. You've started to control your powers pretty well." Smith complimented. You offered him your hand and he took it. You helped him up. "You're not doing that bad yourself." You complimented in return. "But honestly thank you for training with me. It helps me a lot." You continued with a smile. "The pleasure is all mine." Smith said. "So.. Is 8 still fine with you?" Smith asked leaning against a wall. "Mhm!" You answered with a huge grin. You heard your phone ring. "Excuse me for a second.." Smith nodded and you walked to the side. 

You took your phone from the pocket of your jacket and answered. "This is (Y/n) speaking on the phone. How may I help you?" You asked. "Oh nothing. Just that it's already lunch time and I don't want to be sitting here for the rest of the day." Link stated annoyedly. "Oh. Right! I'll say bye-bye to my sparring buddy and then if you'd get a phone ready for me." "A-ha. Call me when you're done." Link said. You ended the call and stuffed your phone back in the pocket. You walked over to your so called sparring buddy. "I've gotta go. It's already lunch, but we'll see each other later!" You'd make sure of that.. "Indeed." Smith said before giving you a small smile. You gave him a quick peck on the lips. If you had kissed him for just a bit longer, you knew you would have had to stay. You took your jacket and walked out of the gym. You took your phone from the pocket and after typing the operators number, you pressed call. "Alright. I've got a phone near you, Wabash and lake." He gave you the address. "Alright. I'll see you soon." You said before ending the call and shutting your phone.

You arrived to the Wabash and lake. The memories came running back. You remembered that day well.. It was the one when Neo had brought you back to life. You opened the door number 303. The phone was ringing and you answered. You looked up and you soon disappeared as your body was transported threw the phone. You woke up back on the Nebuchadnezzar.

(*Smith's POV*)

I looked at myself threw the mirror that hung on the door of my wardrobe. I fixed up my tie. I had picked out one of my best suits. This was special after all! Today was our one year anniversary! It didn't feel like a year. It felt like I had first kissed her yesterday. I was drowning in thought when I heard a knock. "Come in!" I called as I finished fixing my outfit. "Hiya Smithie! How was your training with (Y/n)?" Agent Bennington asked cheerfully. She sat on the side of my bed. I sighed. I didn't want to deal with her questions right now. "It was fine. She's getting really good." I stated truthfully. Agent Bennington nodded. "The place is boring when you aren't around.. Also the new guys are no fun." Bennington huffed. "Their job isn't to be 'fun'." I stated. "True, but still.." Benninton said trailing off. "ANYWAY I need to get ready for my date so.. Could you please leave?" I asked already leading her out. "Wait, WAIT!! YOU HAVE A DATE?! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL M-" Bennington tried to question me but I got her out. "Phew."

 I had prepared almost everything. And the date wouldn't be for another hour. I took a book that (Y/n) had bought me. She had said that I'd probably be interested by it. She had been right. When suddenly I felt really weird. It was one i couldn't describe.. The closest i could say was the feeling of being unable to breath and feeling a sharp but quick pain somewhere inside. It made me feel hollow for a moment and then just like that, it was gone. "Odd.." I mumbled, but continued reading my book anyway. I wouldn't let it ruin my date plans, but I'd be sure to look into it.

(Alright. That's the first chapter! I hope you enjoyed it! I'll try to update this story often. I luv u all and i wish you all a Merry Christmas!)

Emotions are complex //SEQUEL TO THE AGENT SMITH X READER "HE IS A PROGRAM"//Where stories live. Discover now