Chapter 14 - Sweet and salty

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(I must apologize for once again taking super long to update. There is no real reason for why I've once again taken so long to publish more aside from the fact that I've been spending most of my time playing Batman Arkham asylum and Arkham city.. I honestly loved both games and recommend them.) 

The crew was gathered in the motel's meeting room. It was important to think about the next move very carefully. "We must get Neo to the door so he can use the key to get to the Source and fullfill his purpose." The Keymaker stated. You were thinking about your work. The title seemed obvious and vague at the same time. Neo was the One and the strongest human in the entire matrix.. Wasn't he capable enough of protecting himself? 

"The date of this mission hasn't been decided yet, but everyone must stay on alert until the time is right. Now. Does everyone remember their roles?" Morpheus asked standing tall at the end of the long table. "Me, Phoenix and Nova will be the one's to knock out the power." Patience cleared. "Trinity and I will stay behind and be ready with medical equipment in case something goes wrong." Vortex continued. "And me, Neo, the Keymaker and you will be the one's to enter that strange hallway with all the doors and make sure Neo gets to the Source safely." You finished looking at the crew's leader. "Indeed." Morpheus nodded approvingly. "Uh, excuse me. I was just wondering.. Will someone like keep an eye on that Smith fella or something? And will someone like stay here tonight so he doesn't have to be alone?" Nova asked carefully. "That's a good question.. And the answer to both of them is yes, of course." Morpheus answered clearly and calmly. "Since he has the closest relationship with (Y/n), I think it's best he comes with us to the enterance of the source. But who will stay with him tonight?"

"I think I should be the one to stay tonight." You stated with a small smile. "Is that really such a good idea? Since you love him you could easily let your guard down.." Trinity thought outloud. The remark carried a friendly but cautious tone. "I trust her." Neo stated. You gave him a thankful look for once again having your back in a situation like this. "I see no benefit in arguing about this. (Y/n) shall stay tonight." Morpheus stated his expression staying neutral and his voice calm.

Soon after the meeting was over you returned to the room that Smith was staying in.

"You shouldn't have gone threw all this trouble just to get me here." Smith stated calmly as he crossed his arms. "It was all worth it." You smiled at him as your hands slithered to the back of his neck. Your lips soon enough connected with his. You felt his arms wrap around your waist. "You look amazing in a trench coat.." You confessed after you both parted for air. "I know." He stated with an amused look. You rolled your eyes playfully. "Anyway, I'll be keeping you company today! Let's do something fun. Maybe a tad couply.. Oh! The motel has a huge kitchen! We could make some cupcakes." You smiled excitedly. "Eh.. I don't know. I've never really baked anything-" Smith tried to refuse but you quickly cut in. "Please. I'm not the best baker either! It would be super fun and we could watch a movie after. Plus I'd really appreciate it." You stated already dragging Smith towards the door. "I feel like I don't have much say in the matter." Smith chuckled returning to his more cool and neutral self. "But if it makes a difference, sure, but just because you asked nicely." Smith stated. You stopped dragging him and once again wrapped your hands around him. "Thank you! You won't regret it!" You were acting like a child, but who cares? You hadn't ever baked together and that was exciting!

After getting you both to the kitchen, finding you both aprons and washing your hands you started looking up a recepy for cupcakes from one of the old cook books. "Hmm.. Oh! This cook book has a(n) (Y/f/f) cupcake recepy right here. Could we make them?" You asked looking at Smith. He shrugged. You took it as a yes. "Alright we'll first have to gather all the ingredients. I'll get the flour, salt and sugar, you can find the eggs and milk." You set out to find the salt and sugar first. You found two jars. But the labels had fallen off. You decided to taste the substances to find out which jar had sugar and which had salt. "Alright.. This one has sugar and this one has salt." You muttered to yourself as you carried the jars to the counter where Smith was already gathering some ingredients in a bowl. "I got the salt and sugar right here. The labels had fallen off though. I'll go fetch the flour real quick. You can already add them to the mix." You informed setting the jars on the table. "Wait. Which one is salt and which one is the sugar?" Smith asked. "I think that's the sugar and that's the salt. I'll be right back." You guessed before walking off to find the flour. 

You soon returned with the flour that was stored in a jar aswell. "It needs the flour and then the batter will be done. Then we'll just have to make the frosting." Smith informed. You nodded and looked at the almost finished batter. It didn't look too bad. You decided to add the flour yourself. "There. Now it'll just need to be mixed." You stated with a smile. "What if I mix the batter and you start on the frosting?" Smith offered. "Sure. So what flavor do you want the frosting to be? I decided the batter's flavor so it's only fair you get to decide on the frosting's flavor." You asked already having a hunch on what Smith's answer would be. "Maybe vanilla? It's basic but good." Smith suggested with the slightest of a smile. "Sounds good." Your hunch was correct. Smith was still a sucker for a vanilla. Soon the frosting was finished and the cakes were set in the oven. "Alright. We could try to pick a movie while we wait." Smith nodded.

"Harrison Ford was great in Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the lost arc, you can't deny that! It would be a fun movie." Smith stated. You had been debating on what movie to watch for a while now. "True, true.. Alright we'll watch that after the-. THE CUPCAKES!" You sprinted to the kitchen and Smith followed. The cupcakes were still in the oven. You quickly took them out with a pot holder and set the tray down. The cupcakes had burned.. Quite badly actually. You sighed in defeat. "Now we'll just wait a moment and add the frosting like the cook book says." Smith stated. "Alright.." You and Smith did the dishes while waiting and then added the vanilla frosting together. Then you both took a cupcake. They were still hot, but not as hot as before. You bit into the cupcake. Wait are cupcakes supposed to taste this..salty? You carefully spit the bite back on the plate. "I think I mixed up the salt and sugar." Smith confessed with an embarrassed smile. You couldn't hold back laughter. You started giggling. You had both messed up the cakes. "It's alright. I accidentally burned the cupcakes." You shrugged still giggling. Smith let out an airy chuckle. 

"Well.. Luckily there might be some other snacks in here. Let's check." You suggested after you had calmed down. You gathered some snacks and headed back to the living room with Smith. You'd still watch that movie. Soon enough you heard a voice from the kitchen. "Eww..Why are these cupcakes so salty?" You and Smith burst into laughter. It seemed like the cupcakes had been of some use after all. 

Then suddenly Neo entered the living room. "The mission will happen tomorrow."

Emotions are complex //SEQUEL TO THE AGENT SMITH X READER "HE IS A PROGRAM"//Where stories live. Discover now