Chapter 17 - The Oracle's eyes

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(*3rd person POV*)

"How could you!? You saw she was tired! You shouldn't have let her help!" Smith yelled. "She wanted to help! She is an adult, Smith. I have no power over her and neiher do you!" Neo stated heatedly. "She could have been injured even further! Imagine.. Imagine if instead of going into a bloody coma, she had died! Her blood would have been on YOUR hands!" Smith took aggressive steps forward. "You both need to calm down if we are to find (Y/n). Well need to make a plan. Or do you want her to be stuck there forever?" Morpheus spoke calmly. "Morpheus is right. Fighting among ourselves will only make it worse. The only way for us to succeed is if we work together." Vortex stated. Phoenix nodded and continued polishing her revolver. 

(*2nd person POV*)

You woke up slowly in a sort of.. Train station? You sat up. You weren't wearing the sweater you had worn before passing out. Your clothes were more formal. You looked around hesitantly. You got up and read the text written on one of the white tile walls. "Mobil ave." You stood up and got the train track. You couldn't hear a train coming. You started running on the track. You saw light and stopped after leaving the tunnel. You looked around and realised you had somehow arrived back. "That's just great, isn't it?" You sighed frustratedly.

(*3rd person POV*)

Morpheus, Trinity, Neo and Smith arrived in front of Merovinigan and his wife. Smith's expression was cold and threatening. The Merovingian seemed merely amused by their presence. "We only want to talk." Neo  stated. "Oh yes, I'm sure you do, you have fought through hell to do so, yes? I'll tell you what I'll do. Put down the guns and I will promise you safe passage out of here." Merovingian stated smugly. "All four of us?" Morpheus asked. "Oh yes, yes. Of course." The group set their guns down. Smith hesitated but did so as well knowing he had a back up stored inside his jacket. "Who could've guessed we'd all be seeing each other so soon after our last meeting? A fate too kind." Before the Merovingian could ramble on Smith spoke. "You know why we are here." The Merovingian laughed. "Come, now. What kind of question is this? Of course I know. It's my business to know. Some might think this a strange coincidence, but I do not. I am curious, though, as to how it actually happened. Do you know?" "No." Neo stated. "No? I didn't think so. But it is always best to ask." "We want to make a deal." Morpheus sepoke calmly. "Always straight to business, huh, Morpheus? Okay. I have something you want. To make a deal, you must have something I want, yes? And it so happens there is something I want. Something I've wanted ever since I first came here. It is said they cannot be taken, they can only be given." "And what exactly would that be?" Smith asked. "The eyes of the Oracle!" The Merovingian laughed once again. "Bring me the eyes of the Oracle, and I will give you back your guardian. That seems a particularly fair and reasonable deal to me. Yes, no?" 

"No." Smith pulled out his desert eagle pistol and help it towards the programs head. Merovingian's body guards pulled out their guns and the crew got their hidden weapons. "How about.. You hand over (Y/n) or I blow out your brains and all of us die right here, right now?" Smith's voice was calm but it held a dangerous sharpness. "Interesting.. Truly interesting." The Merovingian chuckled and continued. "You, a rogue agent, would go this far for a simple human girl?" Smith cocked the gun. "Do you really want to test me?" "He'll do it. If he has to, he'll kill every one of us. He's in love." Persephone spoke knowingly. "It is remarkable how similar the pattern of love is to the pattern of insanity." Merovingian pointed out. "Do we have a deal?" Smith asked.

(*2nd person POV*)

You sat on a bench. "I gotta get out of here somehow.." You mumbled. The subway station was hauntingly empty and the sooner you'd get away the better.. You closed your eyes and focused on your surrouuding when suddenly you heard a subway. You quickly got up and the subway stopped on the station. Smith walked out of the subway. He scanned around franticly until his eyes met yours. You grinned whole heartedly. You ran at him and he wrapped his arms around you. He kissed you on the lips. "I'm so happy you're here! I was so worried." Smith whispered. You nodded. "Come on, you two. We need to go." Trinity yelled. You and Smith walked into the subway and you were soon off back to the base.

Emotions are complex //SEQUEL TO THE AGENT SMITH X READER "HE IS A PROGRAM"//Where stories live. Discover now