Chapter 16 - The destruction of Nebuchadnezzar

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Everything after awakening on Nebuchadnezzar seemed to go in a blur. Neo was awake. The squiddies had come, you had to leave the ship behind and the ship was destroyed. The ship exploded into millions of pieces. The squiddies were getting closer. "We won't make it" Neo stated. "We have to try." Trinity answered. The whole group was moving forward when suddenly you felt something off about the sentinels. It was as if.. You could feel them in the real world? Neo turned to look at them as well. "Come on!" Trinity pleaded. Neo was about to speak but you spoke first. "I can feel them." You stated. Neo looked at you surprised. "I was about to say the same thing." Neo mumbled. 

You and Neo both walked closer to the sentinels and you rose your hand. You could feel the energy from them but stopping them would be hard. You tried to stop them and soon everything went dark and you collapsed on the ground again. You were exhausted from the fight before and had merely gave the sentinels a push backwards. "(Y/N)!" Neo stopped them with your help. He kneeled next to you. Trinity ran to you as well and soon the rest of the crew followed.

(*Smith's POV*)

It hadn't been exactly easy to flee from the other Smiths but I had done it. I sat by an alleyway all alone. My only question was. How on earth will I get back home? Or even closer to the crew's base. I sighed. I couldn't deny the fear bubbling inside of me. Multiple Smiths would most likely always defeat a single Smith even if the one Smith was the original. It made sense. Then suddenly a door on the alleyway opened. A man stepped out. "We haven't met before. My name is Seraph. If you want to get back home, come with me." Without hesitation I sprung up and followed after Seraph. "I indeed don't know you.. But why would you help me?" I asked simply as I walked next to the man. "Let's just say.. Your "mom" wants to see you." Those words made me freeze. Seraph on the other hand kept going quietly. I caught back up to him. "The Oracle wants to see me?" I asked shocked. Seraph simply nodded and took a left turn. 

One more right and Seraph stopped next to a door. He opened it and I followed after him. The room I was led in looked like a living room. I followed after Seraph to the kitchen. Mo.. The Oracle was sitting next to the dining table a smoke in hand. "It has been a while, dear." She smiled sweetly. "Indeed." I answered stiffly. Out of all the moments, my confidence had to leave me just now. 

The Oracle put out the cigarette and got up. She wrapped her hands around me and I went completely still. "Would you like a cookie?" She whispered as she let go of me. She already knew I'd say no. I shook my head. "Suit yourself." She said as she took a fresh batch out of the oven. 

It felt weird to see her again. Our relationship had never been too great. "Why have you summoned me? I'm quite sure you didn't invite me here simply to have a little chat." I stated keeping my expression as unreadable as possible. On the inside I was a mess. Seeing her again was filling me with all sorts of emotions. Sadness, anger, fear. "You were always so bright." The Oracle stated with a simple smile. "Indeed, I have to tell you something, about your partner, (Y/n)." I felt my stomach twist at the mention of her name. I was worried sick on her condition. But due to everything going on I had not thought of her. "Is she alright? The last I saw of her she was exhausted but she was fine." I stated faltering on my unreadable expression. I knew she could read me clearly even when I tried to hide behind a cold mask, so what was the point in hiding my feelings? "But you were always emotional as well." The Oracle sighed gently. "Don't toy with me, mother." I put as much venom into the last part as I could muster. 

She once again just smiled at me. "She and the rest of her crew had to flee a group of sentinels. Their ship was destroyed and your lover and the chosen one stopped the sentinels with their powers. Neo was left fine. Your girlfriend on the other hand.." I felt myself pale. I tried to say something but my voice died in my throath. I gently bit my lower lip, it was an old habit I used to do a lot way before I met (Y/n) or even Mr. Anderson. I eventually willed myself to stop such habits since they made hiding emotions a lot tougher. And yet here I was after years of wearing a cold facade, returning to old habits for a person. But she wasn't just any person. She was the love of my life. She meant everything to me. "But she isn't dead. She's stuck in the world between this world and the machine world. The link is controlled by a program called the Trainman. He uses it to smuggle programs in and out of the Matrix. If he finds out where she is before you and the others get to her, then I'm afraid our choices are going to become difficult." She explained. "Why?" I asked. "Because the Trainman works for the Merovingian."

(So.. Uhm. I have this head canon where the first Agents (like Smith, Brown and Jones) were once children or like atleast younger and the Oracle raised the Agents like a mom (and that's why Smith calls her "mom" in the Matrix Revolutions) but they also needed training and I feel like she would have been a bad mom. Like she has Oracle stuff to do. So I feel that Smith wouldn't see eye to eye with her and feels that she wasn't a good mom. If you don't agree with this head canon, I'm sorry but I just think Smith as a child would be super cute.)

Emotions are complex //SEQUEL TO THE AGENT SMITH X READER "HE IS A PROGRAM"//Where stories live. Discover now