Special fucking Christmas chapter

560 13 15

Courtney: CHRISTMAS 


Heather: Yay we all love the stalker known as Santa!

Cody: Don't ruin the moment Heath

Heather: Christmas is for little kids

Noah: And Cody

Cody: I'm not that childish :(

Noah: I totally believe you

Noah: I spent like $378 on chocolate and candy

Heather: Why tf did you count exactly how much money you spent?

Noah: Cause

Courtney: Also, Santa isn't a stalker!

Noah: Do we seriously need to tell you?

Courtney: Enlighten me

Heather: He KNOWS when you are SLEEPING

Noah: He KNOW when you're AWAKE

Heather: He KNOWS if you've been GOOD or NOT

Courtney: Thanks for putting the main points in capital letters🙄

Noah: You're welcome hoe


Noah: I don't hate Christmas

Noah: I just don't like it that much

Cody: Lighten up

Noah: No

Courtney: Heather, Bridgette, we're singing christmas songs today!

Heather: Seriously

Heather: I'm not gonna praise a stalker!


Heather: You..

Heather: Yelled at me🥺😪😭

Courtney: Actually I texted you

Heather: Touche

Courtney: 😌💅🏽

Courtney: Merry Christmas my beautiful bitch😙🥰

Heather: Merry Christmas my sexy hoe😘🤩

Tyler: I've just realised something

Lindsay: What is it tylur


Tyler: Anyway

Tyler: My total drama outfit were the colours of Santa

Lindsay: Thats really interesting

Courtney: Did Lindsay just spell interesting right?

Heather: Yes she did

Lindsay: Oops 

Lindsay: I mean inturestin

Courtney: Aaaaaaand we're back to dumb af Lindsay

Lindsay: I love you too Courtlyn


Courtney: Weren't you kicked from the chat?

Sierra: By the power of Courtsay I returned

Noah: By the power of wanting you to shut the fuck up I'm gonna remove you

Noah has removed Sierra

Noah: We don't need a second stalker on Christmas

Jen: It's christmas?

Heather: No it's Thanksgiving🙄

Jen: Not a vibe!

Jen: I guess it's time to start my Christmas trend blog

Tom: I can't wait girl!

Jen: Can Emma join?

Tom: Of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Courtney: Please refrain from using that many exclamation marks cause it's annoying to look at😊

Tom: Ok ok jeez

Tom: Calm your ass 

Geoff: Christmas party

Bridgette: After the last party there's NO WAY we are having ANOTHER party

Heather: I would LOVE to have a christmas party Geoff😊

Geoff: Awesome dudette

Bridgette: She's only saying that so she can fight Gwen again

Geoff: No fighting at the party

Heather: I don't want to have a christmas party anymore

Heather: It'll suck anyways

Geoff: 🙁

Geoff: Not cool dudette

Geoff: Whoever wants a christmas party say vibe

Jen: Vibe

Tom: Vibe

Harold: Vibe 

Cody: Vibe

Courtney: Vibe I guess..



Gwen: Shit is real

Leshawna: Shit is getting real

Geoff: :(

Geoff: :(

Geoff: :(

Geoff: :(

Noah: He's only spammed four sad faces and I'm already annoyed

Heather: ^

Courtney: Are you two friends or something?

Noah: No🙂

Heather: No🙂


Noah has removed Sierra

Noah: How many times do I have to remove this bitch?

Chris: Drama!

Noah has removed Chris

Noah: And that bitch

Courtney: According to my calculations, you'll probably be removing atleast ONE of them everyday as along as you're still active in this chat!

Noah: Thanks😀

Courtney: No problem🙂

Heather: UgH. nErD lOvE.

Heather: If YoU kIsS iNfRoNt Of Me I wIlL tHrOw Up!

Courtney: Don't use my words against me >:(

Heather: I had to

Bridgette: Let's just log off now

Bridgette: Merry Christmas guys!

Lindsay: Mary Chrysler😋😎

I made this in one day and in a rush soo...

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