Fav songs cause why not

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Beth: Hey guys! 

Lindsay: Hi Bus 

Duncan: First Hillary and now Bus 

Noah: Somebody needs to help Lindsay learn our names 

Heather: Since you're the know it all you should do it 

Noah: Nah 

Sierra: Is Codykins here? 

Alejandro: Sierra I think you need to get over Cody 

Sierra: But he's my husband 

Heather: Al is right 

Heather: He's happily with Noah

Sierra: I still hate Noah for what he did 

Duncan: speaking of Noah 

Duncan: Why isn't Noah here? 

Sierra: He's reading a book whilst Cody sleeps on his shoulder 

Dawn: Sierra, You weren't given enough emotional support as a child 

Sierra: I was 

Dawn: I know why you're crazy for Cody 

Sierra: Cause he's hot! 

Dawn: Nope 

Dawn: It's because you've been rejected and alone all your life and when you saw Cody getting rejected by Gwen, you instantly wanted to be with him so you couldn't possibly be alone or rejected anymore but clearly that didn't work out the way u wanted it to

Sierra: I- 

Gwen: For once Sierra is speechless 

Courtney: Is this true Sierra? 

Sierra: Um 

Bridgette: We can help you 

Sierra: fine it's true 

Sierra: I used to be an orphan until somebody adopted me 

Sierra: I had a sister but I was separated from her 

Sierra: She was the best person ever and she gave me emotional/mental support 

Sierra: But Codykins is still cute! 

Bridgette: I thought she was gonna say that she would apologise to Noah and Cody but nevermind 

Sierra: Why would I do that? 

Sierra: Noah still stole something that was mine 

Duncan: So did Cody 

Sierra: He stole my HEART 💗 

Trent: Cody broke your heart 

Gwen: and chewed it up 

Courtney: And spit it out 

Bridgette: And then stepped on it 

Alejandro: and threw down a sewer 

Heather: Called it names 

Beth: And then laughed 

Sierra: Oui,my friends was a MISTAKE 

Sierra: I was just angry 🙁 

Justin: It's too late Sierra it's kind of a hit 

Beth: Speaking of tdwt 

Beth: What is everybody's fav and least fav song? 

Courtney: I'm winning this as fav and Fight for gold as least

Bridgette: I'm sorry as fav and stuck to a pole as least

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