Dawn and Gwen private chat

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Dawn: Good evening Gwendolyn

Gwen: Just call me Gwen

Dawn: I want to test you for something

Gwen: Sure 

Dawn: If Courtney were to confess her feelings to you what would you do?

Gwen: I would obviously say yes

Gwen: Its impossible to reject somebody as hot as Courtney

Gwen: Wait..

Gwen: Is everybody gonna find out about this?

Dawn: Oh no no no!

Dawn: It's between you and me!

Gwen: Ok good

Dawn: If you were to third wheel for Courtney and her lover's date how would you feel

Gwen: I would probably feel uncomfortable and sad at the same time

Dawn: Would you rather date Courtney but you live in poverty or not date Courtney and be rich

Gwen: I would date Courtney and live in poverty

Gwen: When you love somebody you can still make it work

Gwen: There's always a rainbow at the end of a storm

Dawn: Marvellous!

Dawn: Now I need you to stay still

Gwen: Sure

Dawn: Interesting..

Dawn: Thank you for your time😊

Gwen: No problem


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