Heather and Duncan private chat

537 10 17

Heather: Hey Duncan😏

Duncan: Whats up raven hair

Heather: I'm hornyyyy🤤😫

Duncan: And that concerns me how

Heather: Wanna fuck?

Duncan: No thanks

Duncan: I only love Courtney

Heather: You sure?

Heather: I could give you more pleasure than she could EVER give to you🤤

Duncan: How many times do I have to say NO

Heather: Why do you find pleasure in Courtney anyway?

Heather: I'm sexier😘😝

Duncan: But do you have a thicc ass like Courtney?

Heather: I have a thiccer ass😫

Heather: So how about this Sunday?

Duncan: NO

Duncan: NO

Duncan: NO

Duncan: NO

Duncan: NO

Duncan: NO

Duncan: NO

Duncan: NO

Duncan: NO

Duncan: I'm loyal to Courtney and nobody can convince me to cheat on her again

Duncan: Do you understand you fucking bitch

Heather: Oh...

Heather: I-

Heather: Congrats!🥳🥳🥳

Duncan: Excuse me

Heather: You passed the cheating test!

Duncan: Why did you test me

Heather: At the party I told Courtney I would try to get you to cheat and see what you would do cause she didn't trust you that much

Duncan: This better be a fucking challenge

Duncan: If it wasn't I would've cut your throat open

Heather: Now I'm gonna tell Courtney

Heather and Courtney private chat

Heather: He passed!

Courtney: SERIOUSLY?!

Heather: Yh

Heather: He didn't even CONSIDER cheating

Heather: You got yourself a loyal manzzz

Courtney: Thanks Heather😚

Heather: You're welcome my sexy bitch😘

I actually updated sooner than I expected

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