Singing fixes everything🙂

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Heather: I pick all my skirts to be a little too sexy 

Courtney: Just like all of my thoughts they always get a bit naughty

Leshawna: When I'm out with my girls  

Zoey: I always play a little bitchy 

Bridgette: Can't change the way I am

Katie: Sexy 

Izzy: NaUgHtY 

Gwen: Bitchy 

Lindsay: Me

Mike: ???

Sierra: The girls are singing songs again... 

Noah: Should have known

Emma: Why are all the girls here so immature?

Courtney: I'm responsible 96.8% of the time! 

Emma: Where's the other 3.2%?

Courtney: Singing songs like I just did

Emma: Owen why did you add me into this group of idiots

Owen: I thought it would be cool having you here

Emma: Understandable!  


Bridgette: Sure! But if you don't want to tolerate the singing please leave the chat

Eva: I guess I'll tolerate this

Emma: I won't

Emma: Bye Noey!

Emma has left the chat 

Heather: FINALLY! 

Heather: Nobody add her back

Noah: Agreed

Owen: KK

Sierra: I have a song

Noah: Guess we're singing oui my friends again

Sierra: 😡 

Bridgette: I have a song! 

Sierra: Fiiiiiiiiine we'll do her song

Bridgette: Tonight we are victorious! 

Izzy: Champagne pouring over us

Beth: All my friends were glorious

Heather: Tonight we are victorious! 

Lindsay: Oh oh oh oh

Gwen: Victorious

Leshawna: Oh oh oh ooooooooooooooooooh

Noah: So we just singing Panic! At the disco songs now?

Sierra: Guess so

Katie: Double bubble disco queen

Courtney: Headed to the guillotine!

Geoff: Skin as cool as Steve McQueen

Duncan: Let me be your killer king! 

Noah: It hurts until it stops

Bridgette: We will love until it's not 

Sierra: I'm a killing spree in white

Cody: Eyes like broken christmas lights!

Alejandro: My touch is black and poisonous 

Harold: But nothing like my punch-drunk kiss

Duncan: I know you need it!

Bridgette: Do you feel it?

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