🥳The party has begun🥳

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Geoff: Welcome dudes and dudettes to my second party!

Bridgette: You can do whatever you want!

Bridgette: As long as it doesn't include sex.

Geoff: What's wrong with it?

Bridgette: Whatever.

Bridgette: Enjoy the party!

Afterwards, everybody spread across Gidgette's house like corona.(Yes I said gidgette and YES I said corona, what about it?)

(With Courtney)

Courtney: I STILL don't know if I can trust him FULLY..

Heather: You've been with Duncan for a month and he hasn't cheated on you.

Heather: Yet.

Courtney slightly punched Heather's left arm.

Heather: Touchy much?

Courtney: I would appreciate it if you listened to my problem!

Heather: Ok so let me get this straight.

Heather: You STILL don't trust Duncan fully and you want MY opinion.

Courtney: Yes.

Heather: Well, I think you should make Duncan go through a test to see if he would cheat on you or not!

Courtney: What test?

Heather: I'll try to get Duncan to cheat on you with me and if he does, you can't trust him EVER again!

Heather: If he passes the test, you should DEFINITELY trust him!

Courtney: Thanks Heathy!

Heather: No problem.

Heather then slightly smiled when Courtney hugged her.

(With Gwen)

Gwen: How's the party for you so far?

Duncan: Meh.

Duncan: I've been to better parties..

Gwen: You know...

Gwen: Courtney probably still doesn't trust you fully..

Duncan: I know.

Duncan: And I don't mind..

Gwen: Really?

Duncan: I cheated on her.

Duncan: She has the right to not trust me the second time..

Gwen: This is the first time you've been sincere about something!

Duncan: Don't make this an All Stars moment.

Gwen: You don't have to tell me twice!

(With Dawn)

Dawn: Hmm...

Dawn: Most of the people here have pink auras..

Dawn: Everybody except Scott..

Dawn walked up to Scott and tapped his shoulder.

Dawn: Can we talk?

Scott: Sure whatever..

Scott followed Dawn outside Geoff and Bridgette's house.

Dawn: Why is your aura green?

Scott: Excuse me what?

Dawn: Are you jealous of something?

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