Sierra and Heather chat

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Heather unblocked Sierra 

Heather: Tell me more about Noah kissing Cody 

Sierra: I thought you wanted me to grow up and deal with it 

Heather: I've decided to expose Noah 

Sierra: I suppose I could tell you what happened BEFORE the kiss 

Heather: Please tell me! 

Sierra: Cody handed Noah's phone back,walked to his room and started crying in the corner..

Heather: What happened next? 

Sierra: Noah came in his room and Cody told him to go away 

Heather: Yeah?

Sierra: Noah said we wanted to tell him something 

Heather: What else? 

Sierra: Then Cody assumed that Noah was gonna tell him that he was committing suicide 

Heather: And? 

Sierra: Then Noah lifted up Cody's chin and said he was sorry for being such a suicidal pessimist 

Heather: Wow... 

Sierra: Then Cody forgave Noah and he kissed him 

Heather: Perfect! 

Sierra: That's the whole story summarised 

Heather: Bye 

Heather: Thanks stalker girl! 

Sierra: You owe me one!

Heather has blocked Sierra 

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