gone wrong

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Rossi begs you to help Hotch on a personal thing, forcing you both to confront one another after a long month of not being able to see eye to eye.


TW: mention of physical abuse and homophobia


"Agent Y/LN" you answer the phone. 

"Hey Y/LN, it's me" David Rossi says on the other line and you exhale deeply. Back to another case, you think.  Finally , after what felt like an entire month of being stuck at the office. 

"Good morning! I will be there very soon, I am just about to leave my apartment, but I can be briefed along the way." 

"Y/LN, slow down" Rossi says with a chuckle and you stop. 

"there's no case" He says and then in a hurry, "I need to ask you a favor." 

"Sure" you say, lingering before your front door, car keys in hand "anything" 

"Hotch's car battery isn't starting. I promised I would pick him up at his house and drive him back to work, but Garcia called me over for an urgent matter and I cannot leave." 

He's got to be kidding. He wants you to show up at Hotch's house, and talk to him, after yesterday? Or the day before? Or literally every day since March started?  

" David , I can't- " 

He cuts you off, "I already called everyone else. Including Anderson and Morrison. You're the only one who can do it." 

You highly doubt that, though you don't say it aloud. Can't this man get an Uber or a cab, instead? Does he have to get a personal chariot? This has to be a fucking joke. But  he's still your boss.   

"Fine, what's the address?" 

You slam the door of your car shut and cross the distance to his house, stomping the entire way there and stop before his front door.  

You hesitate. It's only 7.00am and you feel tired to the bone now staring at Hotch's front door. You have been exhausted since this whole thing started in the beginning of March – when you decided to go against his orders on the last case and put yourself at risk to save the woman the unsub had kidnapped with the intent of killing her. You had managed to save her, that was the important thing. But the unsub had still shot at you – the bullet grazing the inside of your left bicep.  

Then Hotch had yelled at you, in front of the entire team, like you'd been a small child who couldn't stop yourself – or a disorganized and untrained agent. And you didn't know which was worse, his reprimands or the discussion that followed later on the plane, when you told him a whole string of words that you'd never said before to a unit chief;  utterly unprofessional .  

Then, if it that wasn't enough, he'd never talked to you directly since then. His orders came from Emily or Rossi. Sometimes even Garcia. He'd refuse to face you or look you in the eyes. And you'd thought about it – quitting the BAU at that moment. It was almost the end of March too and you didn't think you could continue like this anymore.  

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