Waiting Game

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In Dallas with Martins and his team, you're faced with the man you're tracking: Aleksi Petrov. He leads you to his headquarters. Final confrontation with the man puts you in peril and in the hands of someone extremely dangerous


TW: blood, case talk, loads of action for someone (me) who says i cant write them for shit (and its true)
take it w a grain of salt! bcs its not my best writing lmao


"Tell me again why we're here" you pay extra attention to the menu in your hands, knowing the waitress will come back shortly, just like she did with the two tables before yours. "Actually, why I'm the only one here"

"Because you're the foreign face" Martins' voice comes through the speaker in your ear, muffled and a bit frustrated, "the rest of my guys are out, in case anything goes wrong"

"Do you even have guys Martins?" you ask rolling your eyes. The new day started with a very fast briefing, a set of documents dumped on your lap in the drive here and the not-so-friendly order to digest everything before you had to start as 'undercover' and check out the arms dealer. Happens with your luck that you'd been thrown into this task like this and that the man of the hour, Aleksi Petrov, is eating breakfast and chatting it up with the waitresses.

"And define anything wrong because I do not agree with you shooting up the entire place when there are civilians in here" There's no answer from the other end and you huff out.

"I'm not particularly hungry" you look up, and the old waitress approaches with a big smile before Martins can give you any other directions.

"So, what can I bring you?"

"Your largest cup of coffee" you say with a smile, "and a muffin, thanks"

She nods, and your attention returns to the man – he's been seated for more than 30 minutes since you arrived, never changing position or looking the slightest bit uncomfortable even with all the attention around him. He's tall, Martins' age, and salt and pepper hair long enough to arrive to his jawline. He doesn't stand out even with his dark suit. If anything, you do, dressed similarly as him. He finally finishes talking to the young blonde who goes back behind the bar, at the same time as you finish your coffee. When he stands up to go to the counter and a small piece of paper falls off his pocket, an idea pops in your head. Martins had said to keep your eyes on him, but never specified just how close – so you switch off your mic.

"Excuse-me?" He turns around, all sharp lines up close and his grey eyes look you up and down. "You dropped this" you hold out the scribbled paper and he snatches it away.

"Thanks" his accent is American, unlike what Martins had said. He's still weary so you feign a shy smile. "Was wondering why I wasn't getting a refill of my cup, but I can see why she was distracted"

The man does a double take, and he looks between you and the waitress, who's still busy.

"I'm Ruby" you add, and extend a hand, which he shakes reluctantly.

"Ruby?" he says slowly, then leans an elbow over the counter, turning to look at you sideways. "You don't really look like a Ruby"

"Do I not?" you say, putting both palms over the marble surface of the counter, keeping your eyes off him, "Should I give you my phone number then so you could call me otherwise?"

A soft laugh bubbles out of him and Emily pops in your mind – damn, do you have something in common now, what with the flirting with arms dealers. This would be a great story to tell in the future, after this is all over.

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